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RESOLUTION 67-21 <br />RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE 23520 RAVENSBURY AVENUE SANITARY <br />SEWER MAIN EXTENSION PROJECT AND APPROVING A SANITARY SEWER <br />OFFER OF DEDICATION AND DEDICATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN <br />OF LOS ALTOS HILLS AND JAMES AND JENNIFER DORAN <br />WHEREAS, in December 2019, the property owners of 23520 Ravensbury Avenue applied for a <br />building permit for an addition and remodel project, which was subject to sewer connection <br />requirements.; and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Town Municipal Code Section 6-4.102 "Public sewers — connections <br />required when available", all new residences and major additions shall be connected to an <br />approved public sewer when such sewer is with 200 feet of the property line; and <br />WHEREAS, the property owners James and Jennifer Doran proposed the 23520 Ravensbury <br />Avenue Sanitary Sewer Main Extension Project (Project) and completed the Project in April 2021, <br />with the new sewer main locating on Ravensbury Avenue between 23548 Ravensbury Ave and <br />the Ravensbury-Toyonita intersection in the Town's public right-of-way; and <br />WHEREAS, the Project was inspected by the Public Works/Engineering staff and determined to <br />be complete and acceptable in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted by the <br />Project owners and previously approved by the City Engineer; and <br />WHEREAS, the new sewer main is to be dedicated to the Town as a public facility in the public <br />right-of-way, and the Project owners have submitted all the documents required for a sewer <br />dedication agreement; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town has read and considered that certain Sanitary Sewer Offer of Dedication <br />and Dedication and Agreement ("Agreement") between the Town and James and Jennifer, and <br />desire to accept the Project and dedication of the sewer facility. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />that: <br />1. Public interest and convenience and the promotion of sewer system improvements support <br />the Town entering into the Agreement described above. <br />2. The Town of Los Altos Hills hereby accepts the 23520 Ravensbury Avenue Sanitary Sewer <br />Main Extension Project and the dedication of the newly constructed sewer main to the <br />Town and approves the Agreement. The Mayor is hereby authorized on behalf of the Town <br />to execute the Agreement between the Town of Los Altos Hills and James and Jennifer <br />Doran <br />Resolution 67-21 Page 1 <br />