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10/29/2021 11:18:11 AM
Creation date
10/28/2021 3:11:09 PM
Authorize the Legislative Bodies of the Town of Los Altos Hills, Including City Council and all Advisory Bodies, to Continue Meeting Virtually Through Teleconference Meetings and Making Related Findings Pursuant to AB 361
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WHEREAS, in order for legislative bodies to continue to conduct meetings via teleconferencing <br />pursuant to AB 361 (2021), a proclaimed State of Emergency must exist; and <br />WHEREAS, AB 361 (2021) further requires that State or local officials have imposed or <br />recommended measures to promote social distancing, or, requires that the legislative body <br />determines that meeting in person would present imminent risks to the health and safety of <br />attendees; and <br />WHEREAS, on September 16, 2021 the City Council approved a motion to continue conducting <br />all legislative body meetings through teleconference and made required findings pursuant to AB <br />361; and <br />WHEREAS, under Government Code Section 54953(e)(1), if City Council desires for all <br />legislative bodies of the Town to continue to meet through teleconference, every 30 days during <br />the proclaimed state of emergency and/or the period during which state or local officials have <br />imposed or recommended social distancing measures, the legislative body acting under the <br />teleconference exemptions must make findings about whether the circumstances still apply; and <br />WHEREAS, every 30 days the City Council must find that it reconsidered the circumstances of <br />the state of emergency and that either (i) the emergency continues to directly impact the ability <br />of members to safely meet in person, or (ii) state or local officials continue to impose or <br />recommend measures to propose social distancing; and <br />WHEREAS, City Council has determined that such conditions continue to exist in the Town, <br />specifically, Governor Newsom has declared a State of Emergency due to COVID-19 and the City <br />Council has confirmed the continued existence of the local emergency due to COVID-19; and <br />WHEREAS, since issuing Executive Order N-08-21, the highly contagious Delta variant of <br />COVID-19 has emerged, causing an increase in COVID-19 cases throughout the State and Santa <br />Clara County; and <br />WHEREAS, on August 2, 2021, in response to the Delta variant of COVID-19, the Santa Clara <br />County Health Officer issued an order for nearly all individuals to wear masks when inside public <br />spaces; and <br />WHEREAS, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ("CDC") continues to recommend <br />physical distancing of at least six (6) feet from others outside of the household; and <br />WHEREAS, because of the rise in cases due to the Delta variant of COVID-19, the City Council <br />is concerned about the health and safety of all individuals who intend to attend meetings of the <br />Town's legislative bodies, including City Council and advisory body meetings; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council desires to provide a way for the Council, staff, and members of the <br />public to participate in meetings remotely, without having to attend meetings in person; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that the presence of COVID-19 and the increase of <br />cases due to the Delta variant would present imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees, <br />Resolution 71-21 Page 2 <br />
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