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ORDINANCE 600 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS ADDING <br />CHAPTER 8 "MANDATORY ORGANIC WASTE DISPOSAL <br />REDUCTION" TO TITLE 6 OF THE LOS ALTOS MUNICIPAL CODE <br />RELATING TO ORGANIC WASTE DISPOSAL AND RELATED <br />REGULATIONS PURSUANT TO SENATE BILL 1383 <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills, California ("Town") is a municipality, duly <br />organized under the constitution and laws of the State of California; and <br />WHEREAS, in September 2016, Senate Bill 1383 ("SB 1383") established statewide <br />methane emissions reduction targets in an effort to reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants <br />in various sectors of California's economy; and <br />WHEREAS, SB 1383 includes statewide goals to reduce the disposal of organic waste (food <br />scraps, yard debris, paper products, etc.) and recover edible food for human consumption; and <br />WHEREAS, to meet the SB 1383 regulations, jurisdictions throughout the State must adopt <br />an ordinance or other similarly enforceable mechanism by 2022; and <br />WHEREAS, this ordinance will mandate that organic waste generators, haulers, and other <br />entities subject to the requirements of SB 1383 regulations and subject to the authority of the Town <br />of Los Altos Hills, comply with SB 1.383 regulatory requirements; and <br />WHEREAS, through adoption of this ordinance, the City Council desires to add Chapter 8, <br />"Mandatory Organic Waste Disposal Reduction", to Title 6 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code <br />relating to organic waste disposal and related regulations pursuant to Senate Bill 1383. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills does hereby ordain <br />as follows: <br />SECTION I. FINDINGS. <br />Based on the entirety of the record as described above, the City Council for the Town of Los <br />Altos Hills hereby makes the following findings: <br />1. All of the facts and recitals above are true, correct, incorporated herein and made a <br />part hereof. such that there exists a current and immediate threat to the public health, safety, <br />and welfare requiring immediate implementation of an urgency ordinance to regulate <br />residential development projects, subdivisions and site developments in the Town of Los <br />Altos Hills. <br />2. This Ordinance is adopted pursuant to CalRecycle's SB 1383 Regulations. The SB <br />1383 Regulations were the subject of a program environmental impact report (EIR) prepared <br />by CalRecycle, and the activities to be carried out under this Ordinance are entirely within <br />the scope of the SB 1383 Regulations and that EIR. No mitigation measures identified in the <br />ordinance 600 Page I <br />