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Commercial Edible Food Generators to arrange to have the maximum amount of their Edible <br />Food, that would otherwise be disposed, be recovered for human consumption. <br />(t) Requirements in this Chapter are consistent with other adopted goals and policies of the <br />Town including: the Town of Los Altos Hills' General Plan, purchasing procedures, <br />Municipal Code provisions including but not limited to those relating to Water Efficient <br />Landscape (Section 10-2.809) and Construction and Demolition (Title 8), and greenhouse <br />gas reduction and local climate action goals. <br />6-8.02. Title Of Chapter. <br />This Chapter shall be entitled "Mandatory Organic Waste Disposal Reduction Ordinance". <br />6-8.03. Definitions. <br />The following terms and definitions shall apply for the purposes of this Chapter. Where applicable, <br />the terms and definitions described below shall have the same meaning as set forth under the <br />corresponding provisions of 14 CCR § 18982.2 and as respectively restated here. If any definition <br />under 14 CCR §18982.2 contradicts a definition set forth in this Chapter, the definition under 14 <br />CCR §18982.2 shall govern. If a definition under 14 CCR §18982.2 is subsequently modified or <br />replaced after the effective date of the enabling ordinance of this Chapter, the definition under 14 <br />CCR §18982.2 shall govern. <br />(a) "Blue Container" shall be used for the purpose of storage and collection of Source <br />Separated. Recyclable Materials, and means a container where either: <br />(i) The lid of the container is blue in color; or <br />(ii) The body of the container is blue in color and the lid is either blue, gray, or black in color. <br />Hardware such as hinges and wheels on a blue container may be any color. <br />(b) "CalRecycle" means California's Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, which <br />is the Department designated with responsibility for developing, implementing, and <br />enforcing SB 1383 Regulations on jurisdictions (and others). <br />(c) "California Code of Regulations" or "CCR" means the State of California Code of <br />Regulations. CCR references in this Chapter are preceded with a number that refers to the <br />relevant Title of the CCR (e.g., "14 CCR" refers to Title 14 of CCR). <br />(d) "Code" means, unless otherwise specified, the Town of Los Altos Hills Municipal Code. <br />(e) "Commercial Business" or "Commercial" means a firm, partnership, proprietorship, joint- <br />stock company, corporation, or association, whether for-profit or nonprofit, strip mall, <br />industrial facility, or a multifamily residential dwelling. The term "Commercial Business" or <br />"Commercial" may be referred to as "non-residential" in a franchise agreement with the <br />Exclusive Franchised Hauler. <br />ordinance 600 Page 5 <br />