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EXHIBIT A <br />FINDINGS <br />22560 Ravensbury Avenue — File # SD20-0045 & VAR20-0007 <br />1. With regard to the Site Development Permit (SD20-0045) to allow for a new two-story house <br />at 22560 Ravensbury Avenue, the Planning Commission finds in accordance with Section 10- <br />2.102 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code as follows: <br />a. The proposed development is in compliance with all regulations and policies set forth in <br />the Site Development ordinance. <br />The proposed new residence and associated improvements, with the exception of <br />development area in excess of the calculated maximum, comply with all applicable <br />regulations and policies set forth in the Site Development Ordinance because the project <br />does not exceed maximum floor area, is within the 32 -foot building height limit, meets <br />required building setbacks, and complies with all other applicable requirements in the Site <br />Development Ordinance. <br />2. With regard to the Grading Policy (approved by City Council 07/21/2011) exception request, <br />the Planning Commission makes the following findings: <br />a. There is sufficient basis to support the Grading Policy exception to allow for fill that <br />exceeds 4.5 for the proposed garage and cut that exceeds 8 feet for the residence. The <br />proposed grading includes cut in excess of 8 feet in order to accommodate the lower floor <br />against the slope. The proposed grading includes fill in excess of 4.5 feet for the garage <br />due to the steep slopes and due to the garage location being dictated by the County's <br />approval of the driveway and turnaround located at the end. The cut necessitated by the <br />fire engine turnaround cannot be avoided without major redesign to the building location <br />and reduction in usable area. <br />b. The proposed design does achieve the purpose of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code <br />Section 10-2.702(c) which states: "The amount of grading, excavation or fill shall be the <br />minimum necessary to accommodate proposed structures, unless grading is proposed to <br />lower the profile of the buildings." The design of the house is consistent with the goal of <br />lowering the profile of the building while the location of the garage was essentially dictated <br />by County approval of the driveway in its current configuration with the turnaround at the <br />end. While the Town prefers cut to lower the building over fill, the proposed fill will result <br />in a retaining wall no higher than the adjacent lower level of the residence. <br />c. The proposed grading is consistent with grading provisions of the Site Development <br />Ordinance, including Section 10-2.401 which states the intent to limit adverse effects from <br />grading and Section 10-2.701 which states an intent to ensure that the site, location and <br />configuration of structures are unobtrusive when viewed from off-site, that scenic views <br />2 <br />Resolution PC 15-21 Page 2 <br />