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PC 15-21
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Resolutions
PC 15-21
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/2/2022 10:14:05 AM
Creation date
3/2/2022 10:14:01 AM
PC 15-21
Approving a Site Development Permit and Variance to Allow for the Construction of a New Two-Story House at 22560 Ravensbury Avenue
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are retained, that buildings do not dominate the natural landscape and that ridgelines and <br />hilltops are preserved. The proposed grading exceptions would not be visible to off-site <br />neighbors due to the existing vegetation that can be further augmented by new landscape <br />screening. <br />3. With regard to the Variances (VAR20-0007) to allow for 363 square feet of development area <br />over the calculated maximum for the property, the Planning Commission finds in accordance <br />with Section 10-1.007(2) as follows: <br />a. That, because of exceptional or extraordinary circumstances applicable to the subject <br />property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict <br />application of the provisions of this title is found to deprive such property of privileges <br />enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. <br />The proposed residence is located on a conforming 2.90 -acre lot with a Lot Unit Factor of <br />1.005 due to an average slope of over 40%. However, the property was created by <br />subdivision while within Santa Clara County's jurisdiction and had an approved driveway <br />installed for an approved building location. The existing 14 -foot -wide driveway, as <br />required by the Fire Department, generally follows the entire south easterly property line <br />and encompasses an area of approximately 4,400 square feet. As designed, approximately <br />1,525 square feet of the existing driveway will not count as it is beyond the first 100 feet <br />of the garage. Which still leaves the residence with approximately 2,000 square feet of <br />driveway and turnaround area on an extremely steep site after reducing the driveway with <br />to the 12 -foot minimum required. If designed from scratch within the Town, the driveway <br />area could be reduced. The steepness of the lot and current siting of the residence limits <br />development area to balconies/decks only. Additionally, an exterior staircase and deck is <br />required to access the ADU. Strict application of the code would deprive the applicant of <br />the enjoyment of their property. Nearby properties face similar challenges but do not have <br />similarly designed driveways or are located on the ridgeline where there are larger flat <br />areas. <br />b. That upon the granting of the variance, the intent and purpose of the applicable sections <br />of this title will still be served and the recipient of the variance will not be granted special <br />privileges not enjoyed by other surrounding property owners. <br />The granting of the development area variance for the proposed residence does not grant a <br />special privilege to the property owner that is not enjoyed by similar or surrounding <br />property owners. The subject property was once within the jurisdiction of the County which <br />does not set limits on development area or floor area like Los Altos Hills does. Many <br />properties that have been annexed into the Town's boundaries have nonconforming <br />development area, floor area, and setbacks. The subject property was vacant except for the <br />long driveway and fire truck turnaround, which most property owners wishing to develop <br />a vacant parcel are not forced to accept. <br />c. That the granting of such variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare <br />or injurious to the property, improvements or uses within the immediate vicinity and within <br />the same zoning district. <br />Resolution PC 15-21 Page 3 <br />
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