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EXHIBIT B <br />CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br />22560 Ravensbury Avenue — File # SD20-0045 & VAR20-0007 <br />PLANNING DEPARTMENT <br />1. No other modifications to the approved plans dated November 1, 2021 are allowed except as <br />otherwise first reviewed and approved by the Planning Director or the Planning Commission, <br />depending on the scope of the changes. <br />2. The project is subject to the Town's Construction Time Limit Ordinance (Chapter 10, Title <br />VIII of the Municipal Code). The maximum time for completion of the new residence shall <br />be 36 months from the date of Building Permit issuance. Failure to complete the project in <br />the allotted time may result in substantial penalties and fees. <br />All existing Blue Gum (E. globulus), Pink Ironbark (E. sideroxylon rosea), River Red Gum <br />(E. camaldulensis), Swamp Gum (E. rudis), Honey Gum (E. melliodora), or Manna Gum (E. <br />viminalis) eucalyptus trees on the property located within 150' of any structures or roadways <br />shall be removed prior to final inspection of the new residence. Removal of eucalyptus trees <br />shall take place between the beginning of August and the end of January to avoid disturbance <br />of nesting birds protected under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act (NIBTA) and <br />California Department of Fish and Game Code Section 3500 et seq unless a nesting bird survey <br />is first conducted and there is a determination that there are no active nests within the tree. <br />4. The property owner shall remove all Stinkwort (Dittrichia graveolens) plants from the entire <br />property and in the road right-of-way by manual pulling or use of herbicide by October 1 st <br />of each year until the final approval of the project. <br />The property owner shall dedicate an open space easement over those portions of the property <br />with steep slopes below the residence. The open space easement shall encompass all portions <br />of the property north of a line following the 580 contour elevation starting at the westerly <br />property line and heading east to a point beyond the proposed residence before turning south <br />and continuing east at the 600 contour elevation. The open space easement shall also include <br />those portions of the property west of the driveway retaining wall to the southerly property <br />line. The property owner shall provide plat map and legal description prepared by a <br />registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor and the Town shall prepare the dedication <br />document. The plat snap and legal description shall be submitted to and approved by the <br />Town prior to building permit issuance and recorded prior to final inspection. <br />Garage doors shall be solid paneled and emit no interior light. <br />7. Roof eaves of all structures shall not encroach more than two feet into required side and rear <br />yards. The roof eaves shall be shown on the site plans in the set of construction drawings. <br />Skylights, if utilized, shall be designed and constructed to reduce emitted light (tinted or <br />colored glass, or other material). No lighting may be placed within skylight wells. <br />Resolution PC 15-21 Page 5 <br />