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<br />3 <br />Planning Commission Special Meeting December 9, 2021 Minutes <br />A question-and-answer session between the commissioners and staff ensued. <br />Chair Indaco closed the PUBLIC HEARING. <br />Public Comment <br />Vijay Chawla, of the Environmental Design and Protection Committee (EDPC), offered <br />comments regarding the proposed pool. <br />Carol Gottlieb, speaking as a resident of Los Altos Hills, offered comments regarding the <br />riparian habitat. <br />The applicant, Nadar Mousavi, offered a rebuttal to the public comments. <br />A question-and-answer session between the commissioners and staff ensued. <br />Chair Indaco closed the PUBLIC HEARING. <br />Commission Discussion <br />Commissioner Patel offered comments regarding the fences along La Paloma. <br />Chair Indaco offered comments regarding her preference for establishing an open space <br />easement on the property. <br />Principal Planner Padovan offered comments regarding fences placed along the creeks and <br />creek banks around the Town of Los Altos Hills and required permits. <br />A question-and-answer between the commissioners and staff ensued. <br />Commissioner Couperus offered comments regarding fencing, open space, and conservation <br />easements. He also offered comments on the cut and fill request part of the project. <br />Commissioner Patel agreed with Commissioner Couperus' comments regarding creating a <br />conforming easement. He also offered comments regarding grandfathering in the fence and the <br />grading request. <br />Chair Indaco offered comments regarding her position on the cut and fill request and agreed <br />with the previous commissioners' comments. <br />Vice-Chair Waschura asked about approving a light for the barbeque for safety considerations. <br />He noted he wished to protect the riparian corridor and open space easement and commented on <br />the fence placement. <br />Commissioner Couperus commented on the fences along Fremont Road. <br /> <br /> MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Vice-Chair Waschura motioned to APPROVE the Site <br />Development Permit and the exception to the Town’s Grading Policy, subject to the listed <br />findings and conditions of approval with the following modifications: <br />• the pool lights do not shine away from the house, <br />• to allow the existing fence to remain but not replaced, <br />• reduce the dining area lights from 10 lights down to 6 lights, dedicating one light to the <br />barbeque, <br />• provide an enclosed and roofed structure for the pool equipment, not counting it towards <br />the MDA, <br />• dedicate an open space easement 25' from top of bank, all along the western property <br />and in doing so, <br />• request staff to examine the possibility of removal of the existing conservation easement.