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<br />6 <br />Planning Commission Special Meeting December 9, 2021 Minutes <br />Planning Director Mangalam provided clarifying comments to Vice-Chair Waschura’s <br />questions. <br />Vice-Chair Waschura shared his list of priorities for 2022, which were addressing the housing <br />element, Senate Bill 9, updating the fencing, tree, and lighting ordinances, and addressing fire <br />safety. <br />Commissioner Patel shared his list of priorities for 2022, which were addressing the housing <br />element and Senate Bill 9, updating all the ordinances, and addressing fire safety. <br />Vice-Chair Waschura asked about how to measure success for each project. <br />Commissioner Patel suggested itemizing each element for each project. <br />Commissioner Couperus noted that the Planning Commission is more of a passive body, <br />responding to requests instead of being proactive. He noted that the Commission had sent a letter <br />of priorities to the City Council in the past and it had not been addressed. <br />Vice-Chair Waschura noted that he felt the City Council is not close enough to the Planning <br />Commission to accurately assess and direct their priorities. He suggested the Planning Director <br />could assist with that at the City Council level. <br />Chair Indaco suggested addressing the easier items, such as the lighting and fence ordinances. <br />Commissioner Couperus offered comments regarding fire safety suggestions that another <br />municipality outlined. <br />Discussion between the Commissioners and staff ensued regarding identifying their projects and <br />setting their priorities. <br />Chair Indaco created a list of project ideas for 2022 with feedback from the other <br />commissioners: <br />1. Fire Hardening - House construction codes for existing and new houses <br />2. Wildlife Corridor - Formalize and Map (i.e. Pathway Map) <br />3. Tree Protection Policy <br />4. Outdoor Lighting Policy <br />5. Fence Setback Policy <br />6. Update the Senate Bill 9Ordinance / Revise the ADU for consistency with Senate Bill 9 <br />7. Housing Element <br />8. Climate Action Reach Codes <br />Principal Planner Padovan provided some clarification regarding the proposed tree protection <br />policy. <br />Vice-Chair Waschura suggested sending all the project ideas, not just three, to the City Council. <br />Planning Director Mangalam addressed some of the items they listed. <br />Commissioner Couperus excused himself at 10:12pm. The meeting continued as the remaining <br />commissioners maintained a quorum. <br />Commissioner Couperus returned at 10:15pm. He noted that what was listed by the <br />Commissioners was good. <br />Discussion around the Wildlife Urban Interface (WUI) ensued. <br />Discussion around Senate Bill 9 and ADU ordinance ensued.