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<br />8 <br />Planning Commission Special Meeting December 9, 2021 Minutes <br />Commission and City Council meeting scheduled to discuss that topic, shared there was a page on the <br />Town’s website to address the subject, and noted there was an ad hoc subcommittee addressing road <br />width. <br />Vice-Chair Waschura asked about the joint session subcommittee for housing meeting times. <br />Planning Director Mangalam noted dates would be made available soon. <br />Vice-Chair Waschura provided a summary of the roadway widths and the number of dwellings they <br />service, and the new issues created regarding ADUs and Senate Bill 9. He noted the Sherlock Court <br />problem, which is a private road, and the East Sunset location, which is a public road. He noted that the <br />best course of action for now would be to collect information and forward it to City Council. <br />The Commissioners agreed that Vice-Chair Waschura would draft a letter addressing this subject to <br />share at the next Planning Commission meeting. <br /> <br />9. ADJOURNMENT <br /> Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 PM by Chair Indaco. <br /> <br />Respectfully submitted, <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Keren Brunner <br />Planning Technician