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3 <br />Planning Commission Regular Meeting November 4, 2021 Minutes <br />Kathy Strickland, the landscape architect for the applicant, spoke on behalf of the landscape <br />screening project. She indicated there were 3 Chinese pistache trees her client wanted to keep. <br />She noted that there were path lights that could be eliminated to reduce the lumen output. <br />Susan St. Leger, the applicant and homeowner, noted that the original agreements in place were <br />based on the condition that there would be no appeal. When she learned of the appeal, she decided <br />that there was no need to hold to the original concessions. <br />Bob Dailey, the homeowner's developer, addressed the gate placement issue raised by the <br />appellant. <br />Susan St. Leger addressed each concession she made to the appellant in good faith and noted <br />the delays in her project because of this appeal. <br />Aaron Ackerman, of RJ Dailey, offered comments regarding the placement of the gate. <br />Commissioner Couperus offered comments regarding the placement of the gate as it relates to <br />the maneuverability of cars on the property. He also commented on the fire department's approval <br />of the submitted plans. <br />Kathy Strickland, the landscape architect, agreed to remove 2 lights from the long wall as well <br />as reduce the step lighting to one LED lamp to shine at 54 lumens instead of 104 lumens. <br />Public Comment <br />Roy Rogers, a neighbor on Briones, noted a problem regarding erosion from the applicant's <br />property down towards his property. <br />Planning Director Padovan noted that the Town's Public Works staff would review the erosion <br />issue on this property tomorrow and commented that erosion control measures should have been <br />in place by October 1, 2021. <br />Carol Gottlieb, representing the Environmental Design & Protection Committee, offered <br />comments regarding tree selection. <br />Bob Dailey, representing the applicant, addressed the erosion control measures and Mr. Roger's <br />comments. <br />Kathy Strickland, the landscape architect for the applicant, summarized the measures they were <br />agreeing to: keep the 3 pistaches, work with the appellant regarding providing evergreen <br />screening around them, maintain the shrubs on the property line, which are the prunus <br />Carolinians, reduce path lighting by 4 lights, and change the step lighting from 3 LEDs to 1 LED, <br />reduce the step lighting along the wall from 5 to 3, reduce the lighting along the perpendicular <br />wall from 3 to 2. She also offered to switch the redbuds to silver sheen pittosporum if they are a <br />screening issue. <br />Susan St. Leger stated the most important compromise for her was to have the gate be at the <br />20ft. location. <br />Kjell Karlsson offered rebuttal comments. <br />Chair Indaco closed the PUBLIC HEARING. <br />Commissioner Discussion <br />Chair Indaco offered comments and shared photos. <br />Commissioner Patel commented on Chair Indaco's photos regarding the proposed screening. <br />Chair Indaco shared a proposed motion and list of items she wanted to include in a motion: