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4 <br />Planning Commission Regular Meeting November 4, 2021 Minutes <br />Motion to adopt the resolution in Attachment 1 to DENY the appeal and APPROVE the Site <br />Development Permit SD21-0009 in Exhibit B of Attachment 1 and approved plan from <br />Supplemental Attachment 3 with the following additions: <br />•The pathway lights are to be spaced 20ft apart along the southeastern side of the <br />property. (Stated on Aug 10th meeting as COA.) <br />•Limit the pathway lights on the northwestern side of the property next to the Master <br />bathroom to 2 in total. <br />•Reduce the wall sconces on the northwestern side of the property to 1 in total next to <br />the sliding glass door of the bedroom. (Allowed by COA #7 from April 24, 2019.) <br />•The step lights on the retaining walls near the pool area have lumens less than 75 lumens <br />from the proposed 134 lumens. <br />•The 2 new trees on the northwest corner are to be 36inch box olive trees. (Stated on Aug <br />10th meeting as COA.) <br />•There is a bay view corridor to be maintained along the northwest side of the house, so <br />shrubs along the fence line do not exceed 15 feet and be pruned to maintain the view. <br />(Implied in Aug 10th meeting as COA.) <br />•Screening for the 3 garage doors includes an evergreen shrub behind the existing <br />Chinese Pistache tree in the driveway. <br />•Recommend any bamboo be contained in metal planting containers to prevent invasive <br />spread. <br />•The driveway gate was specified and addressed in the COA's of April 24, 2019 and <br />remains in effect. <br />Commissioner Patel commented on each of the listed items on Chair Indaco's list. <br />Vice-Chair Waschura offered comments regarding the elements of the applicant's landscape <br />screening project and the elements of the appeal. <br />Commissioner Couperus offered comments regarding the submitted plans and shared images <br />illustrating viewing corridors for each property. <br />Commissioner Smith offered comments in support of the proposed landscape screening plans <br />and offered suggestions on the gate placement. <br />Commissioner Patel offered comments and shared an anecdote illustrating issues the Planning <br />Commission frequently reviews. <br />Vice-Chair Waschura proposed the gate be no closer than 20ft from the roadway. <br />Associate Planner Loh identified the specific change in lighting requests for the Conditions of <br />Approval for the landscape screening. <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Vice-Chair Waschura proposed a motion to DENY <br />the appeal and retain the planting plan as specified in staff's presentation using the landscape <br />architect’s plans that were presented, to incorporate the discussed lighting changes, outlined by <br />Associate Planner Loh below, place a lid on the pool equipment, and to make sure the driveway <br />gate is no closer than 15ft to the property line. <br />•The wall lights would be changed from a 3 LED to a 1 LED fixture, for a total of 54 <br />lumens. <br />•2 wall lights would be removed from the wall behind the pool, <br />•1 wall light would be removed from the wall to the east of the pool <br />•1 wall light would be removed from the wall to the west of the pool <br />•1 wall sconce would be removed from the bedroom wall, per the plans <br />•Pathway lights would be spaced 20ft. apart