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City Council Minutes
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Special Meeting Minutes
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2 <br /> City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br /> August 31, 2021 <br />process. Installation, monthly service and support is entirely the responsibility of <br />Next Level Networks. It is a community-based process. They are looking for <br />LAH to assist in facilitating projects. They are a member-owned co-op; a <br />501(c)(6) nonprofit organization. The value proposition is higher capacity. High <br />definition video could download in 30 seconds or less. It would help with network <br />delay, loss of information, freezing. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Tyson asked about the organization of LAHCF - who is on the <br />board? Are the meetings public? Do you issue minutes or keep records? <br /> <br />Dr. Agrawal said the board is made up of four members: president, secretary, <br />treasurer, and an ad hoc member. It is similar to an HOA structure; except they <br />have weekly meetings. Monthly and quarterly meetings from a governance <br />standpoint. Every member has one vote. This is not an open, public meeting. But <br />it is open to members, and yes, they keep minutes for members. <br /> <br />Councilmember Schmidt said there is no objection to putting in high speed fiber <br />in Town. How open is this organization to the public? This has been the biggest <br />issue - it needs to be collaborative and open with the Town. What are the <br />financials? What is the business plan? How fast will it grow? What are the <br />criteria for becoming a member? Since we are using Town resources, it needs to <br />be open. She suggested that the group needs to be “overly transparent” with the <br />residents. <br /> <br />Dr. Agrawal responded that the Town is not investing in the traditional way. The <br />master agreement spells out very specifically that it allows LAHCF to put fiber in <br />the ground. He said this is not a business, so it doesn’t have a business plan. This <br />is the community operating as a non-profit. The more people want to sign up, the <br />more transparent it gets. It seems closed because we are just starting out. <br /> <br />Mayor Tankha offered to serve as a council liaison on LAHCF in order to solve <br />issues of mistrust. The Council needs to feel more comfortable with the process. <br /> <br />Dr. Agrawal said he liked that idea. <br /> <br />Councilmember Mok expressed concern about liability. He asked Dr. Agrawal <br />to address any liability issues. <br /> <br />Dr. Agrawal said there is an indemnification and liability section in the master <br />agreement. Certain things are spelled out very specifically in the <br />agreement. LAHCF has insurance as well and Next Level has even greater <br />insurance. He also addressed issues related to AT&T and Comcast and their <br />service to the Town. LAHCF will take some of bandwidth; it will improve <br />Comcast and AT&T’s service to residents. He said that the Town could help <br />facilitate easements and permits in Town. Facilitating the implementation will <br />help everyone.
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