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5/4/2022 10:54:16 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Approved July 1, 2021 <br />4 <br />Planning Commission Regular Meeting June 3, 2021 Minutes <br />Chair Patel offered comments regarding the potential issues of the proposed project, <br />stated the parking issue has not been addressed adequately, and suggested items 6 and <br />7 be struck from the proposed conditions of approval. <br />All the commissioners commented on the potential for parking issues in the proposed <br />design. <br />Vice-Chair Indaco responded to the inclusion of items 6 and 7 in the proposed list of <br />conditions. <br /> <br /> MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Motion by Vice-Chair Indaco to <br />CONTINUE the site development permit and conditions of approval in Attachment 1 <br />with the following instructions to the applicant: <br />SOUND, LIGHT and PRIVACY are the top concerns on the second story roof deck. <br />Come back to the planning commission with a revised plan. <br />1. The parking requirement of 4 parking spots must be unobstructed and easily <br />accessible out of setbacks. Car lifts do not qualify as required parking spaces. <br />2. Landscape screening evergreen trees to be planted prior to building permit <br />issuance for 14355 Miranda Way neighbor. The trees are to be irrigated during <br />construction and counted as existing for Landscape Screening review. The <br />neighbor has agreed to five 60 in. boxed redwoods at 20 ft. tall plus 8 smaller 24 <br />in. boxed redwoods at 12 ft. tall to be planted along the southern property line by <br />the applicant. Placement shall be agreed upon by the neighbor, applicant, and <br />planning staff. <br />3. Exterior recessed lighting in the western-facing roof eaves to be reduced to 2 <br />close to the living room and 3 close to the master bedroom. No recessed light in <br />high roof eave near the dining room. Exterior recessed lighting in the northern- <br />facing roof eaves to be reduced to 2 close to the living room and no wall sconce. <br />No pendent lights and no light in fan fixture. Follow the lumens/Kelvins chart <br />provided by Planning Staff. Exterior wall sconces are to be shielded and downlit. <br />No clear glass and no light bulbs shall be seen. <br />4. The house will be sunk down by 3 ft. into the grade as allowed by fire truck <br />driveway grade requirements. Grading exception granted for the extra cut. <br />5. Roof eaves of all structures shall not encroach into the required side and rear <br />yards. The roof eaves shall be show on the site plans in the set of the construction <br />drawings. <br />6. Recommend a privacy wall segment to be added to second level under the roof <br />line near the master bedroom. <br />7. Recommend an exterior solid wall to be constructed at the top of the basement <br />water feature to block 3-story appearance and act as a guard rail. <br />8. A preliminary landscape review proposal along with revised building plan to <br />come back to the Planning Commission. Recommend mature evergreen trees (40 <br />ft. in maturation) to be placed between the house and ADU to screen Miranda <br />Road neighbors across the street. Also continue screening trees and hedge of <br />lower area below the ADU to the southern property line. The applicant will work <br />with the neighbor at 14370 Miranda Road for agreement. Screening hedges that <br />should be considered are English laurels, Toyons, Photinias and not Carolina <br />laurels. Keep existing screening hedge/trees by the old pool. Keep all oak trees
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