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Approved February 4, 2021 <br />3 <br />Planning Commission Special Meeting January 14, 2021 Minutes <br /> Meeting went into RECESS at 8:18 PM. <br />Meeting RECONVENED at 8:21 PM. <br /> <br /> 4.2 La Paloma Road to Robleda Road Off-Road Pathway – File #SP19-0005 <br />Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the construction of the eastern <br />segment of the off-road path between La Paloma Road and Robleda Road. <br />CEQA Review: Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />Staff: Steve Padovan <br /> <br /> Chair Patel opened the PUBLIC HEARING. <br />Principal Planner Padovan presented the staff report, noting that this was an <br />informational hearing, and that adoption of the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative <br />Declaration (IS/MND) would be done by the City Council after the public comment <br />period ended on January 19, 2021. <br />The Commissioners asked clarifying questions related to the pathway project and use <br />of the pathway by horses. <br />Public Comment <br />Teresa Baker, a Los Altos Hills resident, spoke in favor of allowing equestrians to <br />use the path. <br />Carol Gottlieb, a Los Altos Hills resident, commented that the IS/MND should be <br />updated to ensure that equestrian users were not excluded due to environmental <br />reasons and spoke in favor of allowing equestrians to use the path. <br />Jay Sutaria, a Los Altos Hills resident, spoke in favor of allowing equestrians to use <br />the path and for Wildcrest Drive residents to use the path as a fire evacuation route. <br />Kristen Zuraek, a Los Altos Hills resident, spoke in favor of allowing equestrians to <br />use the path. <br />Aliso Bredo, a Los Altos Hills resident, spoke in favor of allowing equestrians to use <br />the path. <br />Sue Welch, a Los Altos Hills resident, spoke in favor of building the pathway and not <br />letting the equestrian access issue delay construction. <br />Chair Patel closed the PUBLIC HEARING. <br />Commissioner Discussion <br />Chair Patel expressed support for recommending adoption of the IS/MND to the <br />City Council and noted that the Council should provide guidance on the equestrian <br />access element. <br />Vice-Chair Indaco expressed support for recommending adoption of the IS/MND to <br />the City Council and noted that the initial study contained language that supported <br />both equestrian and pedestrian usage of the path. <br />Commissioner Waschura noted support for the overall pathway project but <br />expressed concerns that the project had not been designed to accommodate