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RESOLUTION 59-22 <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br />INCREASING SEWER SERVICE CHARGES IN BOTH THE PALO ALTO AND LOS <br />ALTOS SEWER BASINS <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code and state law, the Town imposes <br />sewer service charges on users of the Town's public wastewater collection, transmission and <br />disposal system. The purpose of these charges is to generate sufficient revenues to: pay the <br />annual cost of administering, operating and maintaining the Town's wastewater collection <br />system, pay the charges levied by the City of Los Altos and the City of Palo Alto for sewage <br />transmission, treatment, and disposal services, develop sufficient reserves to fund needed <br />improvements to the Town's system and to provide for unforeseen emergencies, and pay for <br />other lawful obligations and expenses of the Town; <br />WHEREAS, the Town retained the services of HF&H Constultants, LLC (HF&H) to prepare an <br />analysis of the adequacy of the Town's existing sewer service charges. HF&H completed a <br />study recommending increases in the Town's existing sewer service charges in order to cover the <br />Town's obligations, costs, and expenses relating to the wastewater collection system. The Town <br />Council preliminarily approved and adopted the study at its meeting on March 17, 2022; and <br />WHEREAS, the basis upon which the amount of the fee or charge was calculated is the <br />following: The Sewer Fund is an Enterprise Fund that is self-supporting activity and which <br />provides service on a user charge basis to residences and businesses. Sewer Service Charges are <br />set to recover revenues sufficient to adequately fund sewer utility operations, maintenance, and <br />capital replacement expenditures, while keeping rates as competitive as possible and maintaining <br />a prudent level of reserves. The charge is for a "Unit of Service" and is the basic charge for <br />treating wastewater for the typical single-family residence; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town has compiled with all legal requirements in adopting the sewer service <br />charge, including, but not limited to, California Constitution Article XIIID, Section 6. The Town <br />provided 45 days mailed notice to the parcel owners that would be subject to the increased rates, <br />of a public hearing to consider the proposed sewer service charge rates and to receive protests <br />against the proposal. The public hearing was held on May 25, 2022. The Town Council heard <br />and considered any objections or protests at the hearing. A majority of owners of parcels did not <br />submit written protests against the proposed sewer service charge rates at the public hearing; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town's sewer service charge rates were last adjusted approximately 7 years <br />ago. Since that time, the costs of maintaining the Town's collection system has substantially <br />increased, necessitating a rate increase. Additionally, the Town anticipates increased spending <br />on capital improvement projects over the next several years. Without the proposed rate <br />increases, the Town's sewer fund would not have sufficient revenues in future years to meet <br />operating expenses and capital obligations; and <br />Resolution 59-22 Page 1 <br />