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EXHIBIT A <br />FINDINGS <br />25240 Cantata Way — File #SD21-0104 <br />1. With regard to the Site Development Permit (SD21-0104) to allow for a new two-story <br />residence at 25240 Cantata Way, the Planning Commission finds in accordance with Section <br />10-2.102 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code as follows: <br />a. The proposed development is in compliance with all regulations and policies set forth in <br />the Site Development Ordinance. <br />The proposed new residence, accessory dwelling unit, and associated hardscape improvements <br />comply with all applicable regulations and policies set forth in the Site Development Ordinance <br />because the project does not exceed maximum floor area and development area, meets the <br />building height, meets or exceeds existing setbacks, and complies with all other applicable <br />requirements in the Site Development Ordinance and the Zoning Code. The architectural style <br />of the proposed primary residence and the accessory dwelling unit will match each other and <br />maintain overall aesthetic character. The project proposes minimal grading for the proposed <br />residence, ADU and improvements. The Conditions of Approval shown in Exhibit B to this <br />resolution also provide requirements to preserve on-site trees to the greatest extent possible <br />and requires replacement trees to be incorporated into the landscape screening plan. As the <br />project is located within an Open Space Conservation area, Condition No. 20 further requires <br />the dedication of an Open Space Easement along the top of the creek bank to the Town in <br />preservation of the natural and rural characteristics of the community. Similarly, the conditions <br />of approval also include restrictions on fencing and retaining wall designs to achieve the <br />desired aesthetics and natural community appearances in the Town. <br />In particular, the Santa Clara County Fire Department reviewed the proposed plans and <br />required that as the private roadway providing access to the site serves more than two single- <br />family homes, the roadway must be no less than 20 feet in width with a vertical clearance of <br />13 feet and 6 inches to allow for safe passage of emergency vehicles. The project will undertake <br />such road widening work as described in Condition No. 15 below. In addition, the project will <br />also provide other fire safety features such as automatic sprinklers, fire hydrant, fire truck <br />turnaround and access driveway, based on requirements of the County Fire Department. <br />As described in the accompanying staff report and based on the public hearing record, the <br />project meets the development standards and criteria set forth in the Zoning Code and the Site <br />Development Ordinance. The project will not create negative aesthetic impacts on the Town's <br />rural and natural characteristics. The project will comply with fire safety requirements and <br />emergency access requirements as conditioned, and provides for the safety, benefit and welfare <br />of Town residents. The portion of the property along the creels will be protected with an open <br />space easement and the private road improvements will greatly improve emergency access to <br />the project site and surrounding properties. Thus, the Planning Commission finds that the <br />proposed project is consistent with the regulations and intent of the Site Development <br />Ordinance and the conditions of approvals listed in Exhibit B are warranted. <br />Resolution PC 09-22 Page 2 <br />