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PC 09-22
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Resolutions
PC 09-22
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Last modified
6/7/2022 9:18:55 AM
Creation date
6/7/2022 9:18:11 AM
PC 09-22
Approving a Site Development Permit for the Construction of a New Two-Story Residence at 25240 Cantata Way
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PRIOR TO BUILDING PLAN CHECK: <br />37. Two copies of a Grading & Construction Operation plan shall be submitted by the property <br />owner for review and approval by the City Engineer and Planning Director two weeks prior <br />to acceptance of plans for building plan check. The grading/construction operation plan <br />shall address truck traffic issues regarding dust, noise, and vehicular and pedestrian traffic <br />safety on Cantata Way, and surrounding roadways; storage of construction materials; <br />placement of sanitary facilities; parking for construction vehicles; and parking for <br />construction personnel. A debris box (trash dumpster) shall be placed on site for collection <br />of construction debris. Arrangements must be made with the GreenWaste Recovery, Inc. <br />for the debris box since they have a franchise with the Town and no other hauler is allowed <br />within the Town limits. <br />38. The property owner shall provide the Town with high-quality color photographs of the <br />existing conditions of the roadways and pathways two weeks prior to acceptance of plans for <br />building plan check. <br />39. The property owner shall pay a pathway fee of $10,943 prior to acceptance of plans for <br />building plan check. <br />40. A permit for the septic system shall be issued by Santa Clara County Health Department <br />prior to acceptance of plans for building plan check. <br />41. A Grading Permit shall be required for the roadway improvements to widen Cantata <br />Way in conformance with the road improvement plans. The applicant shall submit a <br />Traffic Control plan. A clear width shall be maintained throughout the length of the <br />improved roadway. Coordinate all mailbox relocations, pruning and <br />removal/replacement of trees, and utility relocations to maintain the clear width, <br />including any required impact protection. Grading plans shall include details on all <br />retaining walls, drainage systems, construction phasing, quantities of cut and fill and a <br />traffic control plan. At no time shall the roadway be closed to one-way traffic to ensure <br />that residents continue to have access to their properties and to maintain fire safety <br />access. Issuance of a building permit and grading permit shall be concurrent. <br />42. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall dedicate a 10 -foot pathway <br />easement along the northerly property line. The property owner shall provide legal <br />description and plat map exhibits that are prepared by a licensed land surveyor and <br />the Town shall prepare the agreement/grant document. The agreement document shall <br />be signed, notarized by the property owner and returned to the Town. <br />AT BUILDING PLAN CHECK: <br />43. Two sets of a final Grading and Drainage plan shall be submitted for review and approval by <br />the Engineering Department. The final Grading and Drainage Plan shall depict and label <br />Resolution PC 09-22 Page 8 <br />
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