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EXHIBIT A <br />FINDINGS FOR LANDMARK DESIGNATION <br />WESTWIND COMMUNITY BARN — 27210 ALTOMONT ROAD <br />FILE #SP22-0001 <br />1. That the proposed landmark has significant historical, architectural, cultural or <br />aesthetics interest or value. <br />The History Committee voted unanimously to recommend to the City Council that the <br />Westwind Community Barn be designated as a historic landmark. The Barn dates back to <br />1947-48, when Frank Ellithorpe built a six -stall barn for Arabian and Morgan horses. In <br />1965 Lila Lee Ellithorpe sold the Barn and 23 acres to Robert D. Clement. Robert Clement <br />then added a back wing to the Barn with 17 additional stalls, a tack room, and a riding <br />arena. Subsequent to this, in 1971, the Countess Margit Bessenyey purchased the property <br />to serve as a breeding facility and training center for her Hungarian horses. Finally, in 1975 <br />the Town of Los Altos Hills acquired a portion of the property for $25,000 and Countess <br />Bessenyey made a gift to the Town of the remaining 13 and one-half acres and the 24,000 <br />square foot "U" shaped barn. The Town of Los Altos Hills has been operating the Barn for <br />a long time. <br />The original six -stall barn resembled the gambrel -roofed barns found in New England. to <br />allow for more hay storage area under the roof. Another feature of the original barn was the <br />"cupola" which added beauty to the barn's roof. The cupola on the original 6 -stall barn has <br />louvers for ventilation for the storage area below <br />2. That the proposed landmark may be designated without imposing undue hardship on the <br />property owner. <br />The property is owned by the Town and the historic designation will help preserve the <br />history and architectural charm of the property and will not affect the use of the property. <br />Pursuant to LAHMC Section 11-1.09, a landmark alteration permit would be required to be <br />approved by the City Council for any alteration, construction, relocation, exterior painting <br />or demolition that would result in a material change in the exterior appearance of the <br />landmark. <br />3. That approval or modified approval of the application is consistent with the purposes and <br />criteria of this chapter. <br />The approval of the request would designate the Westwind Community Barn as having <br />special architectural, historical, cultural, and aesthetic significance as a landmark pursuant <br />to Section 11-1.05 of the Municipal Code. <br />Ordinance 601 Page 3 <br />