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resolution 86-06 <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br /> TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS AUTHORIZING <br /> PRE-TAX PAYROLL DEDUCTION PLAN <br /> FOR SERVICE CREDIT PURCHASES <br /> (CONTRIBUTION CODE 14) <br /> WHEREAS, the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System <br /> (Ca1PERS) at the April 1996 meeting approved a pre-tax payroll deduction plan for service credit <br /> purchases under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 414(h)(2); and, <br /> WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills (Employer Code 0690)has the authority to implement the <br /> provisions of IRC section 414(h)(2) and has determined that even though implementation is not <br /> required by law, the tax benefit offered by this section should be provided to those employees who <br /> are members of Ca1PERS; and, <br /> WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills elects to participate in the pre-tax payroll deduction plan <br /> for all employees in the following Ca1PERS Coverage Group(s): <br /> All Miscellaneous Coverage Groups <br /> NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED: <br /> I. That the Town of Los Altos Hills will implement the provisions of IRC section 414(h)(2)by <br /> making employee contributions for service credit purchases pursuant to the California State <br /> Government Code on behalf of its employees who are members of Ca1PERS and who have made <br /> a binding irrevocable election to participate in the pre-tax payroll deduction plan. "Employee <br /> contributions" shall mean those contributions reported to Ca1PERS which are deducted from the <br /> salary of employees and are credited to individual employee accounts for service credit purchases, <br /> thereby resulting in tax deferral of employee contributions. <br /> II. That the contributions made by the Town of Los Altos Hills to Ca1PERS, although designated as <br /> employee contributions, are being paid by the Town of Los Altos Hills in lieu of contributions by <br /> the employees who are members of Ca1PERS. <br /> III. That the employees shall not have the option of choosing to receive the contributed amounts <br /> directly instead of having them paid by the Town of Los Altos Hills to Ca1PERS. <br /> IV.That the Town of Los Altos Hills shall pay to Ca1PERS the contributions designated as employee <br /> contributions from the same source of funds as used in paying salary, thereby resulting in tax <br /> deferral of employee contributions. <br /> V. That the effective date for commencement of the pre-tax payroll deduction plan cannot be any <br /> earlier than the date the completed resolution is received and approved by Ca1PERS. <br />