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EXIHIBIT A <br />REVISED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br />PLANNING DEPARTMENT <br />1. Any further changes or modifications shall be first reviewed and approved by the Planning <br />Director, prior to planting or commencement of work. <br />2. All required screening plantings shown on the red -lined plans shall be installed prior to <br />final inspection of the new residence. All exposed areas must be treated for erosion control <br />Ito the satisfaction of the Engineering Department prior to final inspection. <br />3. Exterior lighting is approved as shown on the red -lined plans dated December 22, 2021. <br />Any changes to the approved lighting plan shall be approved by the Planning Department <br />prior to installation. All exterior lighting fixtures shall be down directed or shielded non- <br />movable fixtures. No lighting may be placed within setbacks except two driveway or entry <br />lights. <br />4. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the house, the property owner <br />shall record against the property a 30 -foot no -build covenant, in a form acceptable to <br />the City Attorney and that is enforceable in perpetuity by the Town, commencing <br />from the eastern property line parallel to La Cresta Drive. No structures, grading, or <br />fill shall be permitted within this no -build covenant area with the exception of a <br />portion of the driveway, underground and above -ground utilities and a mailbox, <br />which as applicable, are shown in the Project Plans. Only native vegetation may be <br />planted within the no -build covenant area; however, no irrigation or sprinkler <br />systems are permitted in the no -build covenant area. Prior to recording the covenant <br />against the property, the property owner shall prepare and provide the draft <br />covenant, legal description and plat exhibits as prepared by a licensed land surveyor <br />for review and approval by the Planning Director. <br />5. Fencing location as shown on the plans dated July 19, 2022 is approved with final <br />design. The applicant shall submit a revised site plan showing the fencing located <br />outside the slope easement and the no -build covenant area. The revised site plan shall <br />be subject to approval by the Planning Director. <br />6. The proposed fence shall provide openings sufficient to accommodate the free passage <br />of wildlife through the no -build covenant area. <br />7. Driveway gate location as shown on the plans dated December 22, 2021, is not approved. <br />The applicant shall work with the planning staff on the placement of the driveway gate to <br />allow for the delivery truck to park and not obstruct the driveway easement. <br />8. The location, height and materials of the fences and gates shall be constructed according <br />to the approved, red -lined plans. Any changes to the location, height, or construction of <br />any proposed fences, gates, or columns shall first be approved by the Planning Department. <br />Resolution 67-22 Page 3 <br />