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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> July 20, 2006 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Brian Froelich, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report stating that in November 2005 the <br /> City Council voted unanimously to approve a 65 foot tall Verizon Wireless tree pole and ground <br /> equipment on the south side of Westwind Barn. The Conditions of Approval required Verizon to <br /> secure a company within twelve months to collocate at the site. T-Mobile had applied to <br /> collocate on the pole and a Conditional Use Permit was required. T-Mobile requested three <br /> panel antennas at 48 feet above grade. Verizon had been previously approved for two sets of <br /> three way antennas at 58 and 63 feet above grade. The City Council approved the Conditions of <br /> Approval and directed staff to work with Verizon to lower the profile of the equipment <br /> enclosure. The building plans for the Verizon application had been submitted on July 20, 2006 <br /> and included an enclosure with split-face concrete on three sides and a board on board fence on <br /> the west side facing the barn. The profile of the equipment enclosure was reduced from 13 feet <br /> to 6 feet high. The Verizon application was required to provide a landscape plan. Staff had <br /> recommended for T-Mobile a landscaping in-lieu fee of $12,000. An additional Condition of <br /> Approval had been requested for the removal of a tree stump and replacement with a 36 inch box <br /> evergreen tree on the south side of the barn where the tree pole will be placed. <br /> Commissioner Clow stepped down from the hearing due to the proximity of his residence to the <br /> project site. <br /> Commission Carey asked for clarification on the Condition of Approval request for the <br /> landscape in lieu fee for T-Mobile instead of Verizon. <br /> Debbie Pedro, Planning Director, explained that landscaping had been required in the Verizon <br /> application and the landscape in lieu fee was being requested of T-Mobile because of the <br /> increase in size of the equipment enclosure and the need for additional screening. <br /> Commissioner Harpoothan asked if any other cell requests were anticipated for the Westwind <br /> Barn area. Brian Froelich replied to the negative. Debbie Pedro explained that in working with <br /> Cingular on other cell applications, Cingular's three to five year master plan did not identify <br /> Westwind Barn as a potential site. No other carriers have contacted the Town at this time about <br /> this area. Commissioner Harpootlian confirmed with staff that the tree pole would be at capacity <br /> with T-Mobile's addition. <br /> Chad Abbot, representative for T-Mobile, thanked the Commission for its time, complimented <br /> staff on the good job done summarizing the proposal and offered to answer questions. <br /> Commissioner Harpoothan questioned the possibility of audible high frequency emissions <br /> caused by the antenna that might be disturbing to the horses stabled at Westwind Barn. Mr. <br /> Abbot was not aware of any effect on horses from the frequencies from the antenna. He stated <br /> that on a standard site the decibel range was in the high 40's but he did not know about the <br /> frequency. Commissioner Harpootlian asked whether the frequency spectrum was available. A <br /> noise study had not been done for the project and Mr. Abbot offered to have a study done if <br /> deemed necessary. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked about requirements to collocate more than two carriers on a pole. <br /> Mr. Abbot replied it is a function of height and the Westwind Barn tree pole is considered a <br />