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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> July 20, 2006 <br /> Page 3 <br /> somewhat low pole. He stated that Verizon's and T-Mobile's technologies are different and <br /> Verizon needed six antennas and T-Mobile needed three antennas. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Jean Mordo, Vogue Court, stated there is a possibility to have more service providers on the <br /> same pole without having more antennas as long as they use the same technology. <br /> Sandra Humpries, Environmental Design Committee, stated that the noise from equipment <br /> enclosures can be excessive depending on the equipment inside. She requested that if the <br /> Westwind barn equipment was loud the enclosure should be double reinforced on all four sides <br /> or at least meet the Town's requirement for noise. <br /> Commissioner Harpootlian asked about the regulations for noise, where the decibel measurement <br /> is taken and the distance of the equipment shed from the barn. He questioned whether people on <br /> the Westwind property were protected from the noise. <br /> Debbie Pedro clarified that on public property the decibel measurement is made 50 feet from the <br /> source or the private property line whichever is closer. Noise levels are required not to exceed <br /> the 40 decibel level at 50 feet. <br /> Brian Froelich replied that the barn is 46 feet from the property line and the closest wall of the <br /> equipment enclosure would be 26 feet from the barn. <br /> Jitze Couperus, Page Mill Road, commented the noise ordinance references the amplitude and <br /> decibels of noise and not the frequency of noise. Horses and dogs can hear higher frequencies <br /> than humans and such noise can be painful to them. He suggested a spectral analysis of the noise <br /> to determine the frequency involved. <br /> Eric Clow, Central Drive, stated that the Horseman's Association recently had four horses near <br /> the equipment enclosure by the Council Chambers and the horses appeared to be fine. He felt <br /> that if the new equipment enclosure at the barn was equivalent to the one by Council Chambers <br /> the noise probably wasn't detectible by the horses. <br /> Duffy Price, Anacapa Drive, questioned if the fire truck turn-around area was sufficient. <br /> Brian Froelich, Assistant Planner,°explained that the Fire Department had reviewed the plan <br /> when submitted by Verizon and there is no narrowing of passage. <br /> Chad Abbot, representative for T-Mobile, stated that he wished that more antennas could be <br /> shared. The high 40's decibel noise range mentioned earlier was measured next to the equipment <br /> and again offered to conduct a noise study. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked Mr. Abbot to clarify that any noise would come from the equipment <br /> in the enclosure and not from what was mounted on the tower. Mr. Abbot explained that in past <br />