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0 92-06 • <br /> RESOLUTION NO. <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br /> APPROVING A SEWER CONNECTION FEE CREDIT FOR PROPERTY OWNERS <br /> THAT PREVIOUSLY PURCHASED CAPACITY RIGHTS <br /> FROM THE CITY OF LOS ALTOS <br /> 'WHEREAS, Section 6-4.435 requires any new sewer customer that increases the amount <br /> of wastewater discharged into the sewer system to pay a sewer connection fee in an amount set <br /> forth by resolution of the City Council, and the current connection fee is set at $7,950 per <br /> equivalent residential unit. <br /> WHEREAS, the purpose of this sewer connection fee is to finance the Town's sewer <br /> connection system; and <br /> WHEREAS, section 6-4.435(c) of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code provides that, in <br /> determining sewer connection fees for the property, the Town shall credit applicants with the <br /> capacity previously paid for and purchased for the subject property; and <br /> WHEREAS, a number of property owners in the past purchased capacity rights from the <br /> City of Los Altos, and those property owners have not yet connected to the Town's sewer <br /> collection system; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Town has determined that the cost of most of the remaining unused <br /> capacity units purchased from the City of Los Altos is approximately $2,000 per residential <br /> connection; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Town intends to grant a credit against the sewer connection fee in the <br /> amount of$2,000 for each equivalent residential unit of capacity rights previously paid for and <br /> purchased for the subject property. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills does <br /> RESOLVE as follows: <br /> Section 1. Pursuant to section 6-4.435(c) of the Los.Altos Hills Municipal Code, the <br /> 1 CityCouncil herebygrants a credit against the Town's sewer connection fee equal to $2,000 for <br /> g q <br /> each "capacity unit" previously paid for and purchased for the subject property from the City of <br /> Los Altos. The number of credits granted shall not exceed the number of equivalent residential <br /> units for which a connection fee is paid. <br /> Section 2. No other sewer connection fee credit shall be granted other than the credit <br /> set forth in Section 1. <br /> I PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of September, 2006 <br /> BY: -- <br /> Dean W. shawsky, Mayor <br /> -- AT E T: <br /> -_ £ <br /> Karen Jost 1411 rk <br />