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EXHIBIT A <br />CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br />14403 Kingsley Avenue — File #SD21-0081 <br />PLANNING DEPARTMENT <br />No other modifications to the red -lined plans dated March 3, 2022 are allowed except as <br />otherwise reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. Any further changes or <br />modifications to the approved plans shall be first reviewed and approved by the Planning <br />Director, prior to planting or commencement of work. <br />2. All required plantings shown on the updated plans shall be installed during the winter <br />months between October and March. All screening trees shall be evergreen 24 -inch box <br />minimum and all screening shrubs shall be evergreen 15 -gallon minimum. All plantings <br />shall be located outside of the Public Utility Easement (PUE). Any plantings within the <br />easement shall be relocated outside of the PUE and moved closer to the residence to <br />provide screening. <br />3. All conditions of approval shall be printed on plans submitted for building permit plan check. <br />4. Updated drawings of the approved plans shall be submitted to the Planning Department. <br />5. A revised exterior lighting plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review <br />and approval with the following changes: Minimize path and wall lights per Exhibit B <br />diagram; path lights shall be a maximum height of 18 inches; path lights shall be a <br />maximum of 200 lumens and 2700 kelvins; lighting shall be consistent with the Outdoor <br />Lighting Policy where applicable. Any changes to the lighting plan shall be approved by <br />the Planning Department prior to installation. All exterior lighting fixtures shall be down <br />directed, fully shielded, and non-movable fixtures. No lighting may be placed within <br />setbacks except two driveway or entry lights. <br />6. The existing lighting in the retaining walls are not approved with this application. <br />7. Relocate any existing unpermitted fencing out of easements. <br />The northern and southern fence is approved as a 6'-0" tall open style fence along the <br />property lines northern and the western fence is approved outside of the 20'-0" PUE. The <br />driveway gate is approved as a 5'-0" tall open style gate with setback 40'-0" from <br />centerline of Kingsley Avenue. The location, height and materials of the fence and <br />driveway gate shall be constructed according to the approved plans. Any changes to the <br />location, height, or construction of any proposed fences, gates, or columns shall first be <br />approved by the Planning Department. The new fence and driveway gate shall not <br />obstruct or encroach within any easements on the property. The fence shall not have <br />points, spokes, or sharpened edges per LAHMC Section 10-1.507. <br />9. The Pittosporum tenuifolium shall be relocated 10' in from the southern property line. <br />Resolution PC 12-22 Page 2 <br />