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10. The property owner shall remove all Stinkwort (Dittrichia graveolens) plants from the entire <br />property and in the road right-of-way by manual pulling or use of herbicide by October 1 st of <br />each year until the final approval of the project. <br />11. Pathways within setbacks shall not exceed four feet in width. <br />12. All landscape screening plantings and proposed walkways shall be within the property <br />lines and out of the Public Utility Easement (PUE). <br />13. A Certificate of Completion shall be prepared by the project Landscape Architect, Irrigation <br />Designer, or Landscape Contractor, provided to the Town, and include the following statement: <br />"The landscape and irrigation system has been installed as specified in the landscape design <br />plan and complies with the criteria of the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and the <br />permit." The Certificate of Completion shall be submitted at completion of landscape <br />installation (not required prior to final inspection). <br />14. A $5,000 landscape maintenance and water usage deposit shall be paid to the Town prior to <br />final inspection of the new residence. Two years after the project has been completed, staff <br />will review the water usage for the property and conduct a site inspection to ensure installed <br />landscape screening is still present and has been adequately maintained. Inadequate <br />maintenance of installed landscape screening and/or water usage greater than the annual usage <br />indicated on the approved parcel water budget worksheet, may result in complete forfeiture of <br />this deposit. <br />ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT <br />15. Any revisions or additions to the approved grading and drainage plan shall be submitted for <br />review by the Engineering Department. The plan shall be reviewed by the Engineering <br />Department and approved prior to commencement of this project. The approved plan shall be <br />stamped and signed by the project engineer and shall supersede the previously approved <br />grading drainage plan. <br />16. No grading shall take place during the grading moratorium (October 1 and April 30) except <br />with prior approval from the City Engineer. No grading shall take place within ten feet of any <br />property line. <br />17. An encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Department for all work <br />proposed in the public right-of-way. No work within the public right-of-way shall commence <br />without an encroachment permit. <br />18. Any, and all areas on the project site that have the native soil disturbed shall be protected for <br />erosion control during the rainy season and shall be replanted prior to final inspection. <br />19. All irrigation systems must be located at least three feet from the Town's pathways and outside <br />of the public right of way and public utility easements. The Town staff shall inspect the site <br />Resolution PC 12-22 Page 3 <br />