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PC 13-22
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Resolutions
PC 13-22
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Last modified
10/5/2022 11:08:44 AM
Creation date
10/5/2022 11:08:43 AM
Denying a Variance for Decking and Patios to Exceed Maximum Development Area t 27640 Sherlock Road
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EXHIBIT A <br />FINDINGS FOR DENIAL <br />27640 Sherlock Road — File # VAR22-0003 <br />1. With regard to the Variance (VAR22-0003) to allow for proposed development exceeding <br />MDA, the Planning Commission finds in accordance with Section 10-1.007(2) as follows: <br />a. That, because of exceptional or extraordinary circumstances applicable to the subject <br />property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict <br />application of the provisions of this title is found to deprive such property of privileges <br />enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. <br />The maximum development area (MDA) formulas were created with consideration of a <br />project site's specific size and topography. In particular, Lot Unit Factor (LUF) and the <br />multi -tier MDA calculations factor in the development constraint of steep slopes, which <br />has been recognized to be a comprehensive, scientific, objective, and fair standard in the <br />Town for the past few decades. Therefore, the topography of the lot does not constitute <br />circumstances that make the subject property unique. Strict application of the adopted <br />MDA calculation to the subject property does not deprive such property of privileges <br />enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and in the entire Town. The property owner <br />would continue to enjoy the use of the subject property even without the construction of <br />the deck at issue; as explained below, the property is already developed with a primary <br />residence and associated amenity features. The residence was also constructed pursuant to <br />the granting of a variance previously by the Town, which took into consideration the site <br />topography and characteristics that supported said variance and allowed the property owner <br />to make use of the site. Specifically, during the Planning application review for the main <br />residence (251-13-ZP-SD-GD-VAR), a Variance Approval was granted to reduce the front <br />setback. However, the previous property owner did not discuss any unique characteristics <br />or circumstances with the Town regarding MDA calculation, nor request to increase the lot <br />MDA for the then proposed development (Attachment 4, Staff Report for File #251-13- <br />ZP-SD-GD-VAR). However, he was found to build the subject deck and patio without <br />permits, exceeding MDA threshold he agreed upon. Per Section 10-1.1007(2), "violations <br />are not practical difficulties or hardships justifying a variance," even for the current owner <br />who inherited the violation. <br />Although unique site constraints requiring longer than average driveways or fire apparatus <br />turnarounds could justify a necessary MDA Variance, the subject Variance request is not <br />caused by a mandatory requirement, such as driveway or fire apparatus turnaround in a <br />particular size and location. Given there is an existing deck permitted and built to the north <br />of the subject deck and patio plus a flat grassy area, legalizing the unpermitted decks and <br />patios through a Variance request are not necessary for the property owners to enjoy the <br />property. The area underneath the unpermitted deck and patio is relatively flat to <br />accommodate the same outdoor activities with or without the decks. <br />For these reasons above, staff does not support the malting of this finding as there is no <br />exceptional or extraordinary circumstances, as demonstrated by the facts presented, that <br />Resolution PC 13-22 Page 2 of 3 <br />
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