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Legal Description of A <br />^-;Ad <br />Street Dedication for <br />Elena Road <br />Over APN 182-03-02 <br />Los Altos Hills, California <br />All that certain real property in the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills, County of Santa <br />Clara, State of California, described as follows: <br />Being a portion of the Lands of Mendez,. as said lands are shown upon that certain Grant <br />Deed, which was recorded in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, on <br />July 9, 1999, as document no. 14889930, and -being more particularly described as, <br />follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the southerly boundary line of said Lands of Mendez, said <br />boundary line. also being the southerly boundary line of Lot 57 as shown upon that certain <br />I - t <br />map- entitled "Map of Subdivision of Lot 2 and, part'of Lot I of the Taaffee Partition ire: <br />Rancho La Pun . s . sima Concepcion", which was filed for record on June 25, 1894, in gook <br />"H" of Maps, at Pages 76 and 77, Santa Clara County Records, said point being South <br />85-55'46" West, 153.32 feet, from thp southeasterly comer of said Lot 57, said point also <br />being. a point on a curve, concave to the east, having a radius of 50.00 feet, and a radial <br />be a-d6b of South 55°55'46" We6tv <br />Thence, leaving. the southerly boundary- of said Lot 57, and northerly along said curve; <br />through a central angle of'175039'09", an arc'di6tance of 153.29 fe6t, to a point of reverse <br />curvature, of a -curve having a radius of 30.60 feet; <br />Thence, easterly along said curve, through a central angle of 13.1 '1 6'57', an arc distance <br />df 68;74 feet,. to a point on a line, parallel, and 30.00 feet distant, measured: at a right <br />angle, with the centerline of Elena Road, as shown upon that certain Parcel Map, which <br />was filed for record on June 22, 1981, in Book -486 of Maps, at Pages 37 and 38, Santa <br />Clara County Records; <br />Thence, along said parallel line, No ' rth 10°17'56" East, 147.20 feet, to the beginning of a <br />tangent curve to the right, having a radius of 200.00 feet; <br />Thence, leaving said parallel line, and northerly along said curve, through a central angle <br />of 17050'00", an arc distance of 62.25 feet, to a point on a line, parallel, and 30.00 feet <br />distant, measured at a right angle, with the centerline of Elena Road, as shown upon that <br />said Parcel Map; <br />