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link) to clearly delineate the drip line. Town staff must inspect the fencing and the trees to be <br />fenced prior to commencement of grading. The property owner shall call for said inspection <br />at least three days in advance of the inspection. The fencing must remain throughout the <br />course of construction. No storage of equipment, vehicles or debris shall be allowed within <br />the drip lines of these trees. All existing healthy vegetation along the perimeter of the <br />property, the open space easements to the east of the residence shall be retained and fenced to <br />the greatest extent possible to provide screening during the construction of the residence. If <br />removal is still desired, then the landscape screening plan will address the preservation or <br />removal of existing trees and shrubs. Roof eaves of all structures shall not encroach into the <br />required yards. The roof eaves shall be shown on the site plans in the set of construction <br />drawings. <br />9. Skylights, if utilized, shall be designed and constructed to reduce emitted light (tinted or <br />colored glass, or other material). No lighting may be placed within skylight wells. <br />10. Pathways within setbacks shall not exceed four feet in width. <br />11. Fire retardant roofing (Class A) is required for all new construction. <br />12. All construction shall comply with Section R337 of the 2019 California Residential Code <br />(Materials and Construction Methods for Exterior Wildfire Exposure). <br />13. No new fencing or gates are approved. Any new fencing and gates shall be submitted with <br />the landscape screening plan. <br />14. All construction shall comply with 2019 California Green Building Standards Code, Part 11, <br />Title 24 mandatory measures. The property owner shall provide a 2019 CalGreen Residential <br />Checklist demonstrating conformance with all applicable mandatory measures at time of <br />building permit submittal. <br />15. Exterior finish colors of all buildings shall have a light reflectivity value of 50 or less and <br />roof materials shall have a light reflectivity value of 40 or less, per manufacturer <br />specifications. Any change to the wall color(s) shall be submitted to the Planning Department <br />for approval prior to submittal of the building permit. All applicable structures shall be <br />painted in conformance with the approved color(s) prior to final inspection. <br />16. After completion of rough framing or at least six (6) months prior to scheduling a final <br />inspection, the applicant shall submit landscape screening and erosion control plans for <br />review by the Site Development Committee. The application for landscape screening <br />and erosion control shall be accompanied by the applicable fee and deposit. The plans <br />shall be reviewed at a noticed public hearing. Screening shall include shrubs on the two <br />tiers of retaining wall and screen along the southern portion of the sunroom glass from <br />surrounding properties. All landscaping required for screening purposes and for <br />erosion control (as determined by the City Engineer) must be installed prior to final <br />inspection of the new residence. The landscape screening plan shall comply with Section <br />10-2.809 (water efficient landscaping) of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code. Landscape <br />Screening plans shall include low water and native plantings. <br />Resolution PC 14-22 Page 3 <br />