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17. A $5,000 landscape maintenance and water usage deposit shall be paid to the Town prior to <br />final inspection. Two years after the project has been completed, staff will review the water <br />usage for the property and conduct a site inspection to ensure installed landscape screening is <br />still present and has been adequately maintained. Inadequate maintenance of installed <br />landscape screening and/or water usage greater than the annual usage indicated on the <br />approved parcel water budget worksheet, may result in complete forfeiture of this deposit. <br />18. Prior to requesting the final inspection, a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor <br />shall certify in writing and state that "the location of the accessory structure and roof eaves, <br />are no less than 40 feet from the front property line from Kate Drive and 30' from the side <br />and rear property lines." The elevation of the new residence shall be similarly certified in <br />writing to state that "the elevation of the new residence matches the elevation and location <br />shown on the Building Permit Plans." The applicant shall submit the stamped and signed <br />letter(s) to the Planning Department prior to requesting a final inspection. <br />19. Prior to requesting the final inspection, a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor <br />shall certify in writing and state that "the height of the new accessory structure complies with <br />the 27' maximum structure height, measured as the vertical distance at any point from the <br />bottom of the crawl space to the highest part of the structure directly above (including roof <br />materials)." The overall structure height shall be similarly certified in writing and state that <br />"all points of the building (including chimneys and appurtenances) lie within a thirty-five <br />(35') foot horizontal band based, measured from the lowest visible natural or finished grade <br />topographical elevation of the structure along the building line and the highest topographical <br />elevation of the roof of the structure." The applicant shall submit the stamped and signed <br />letter(s) to the Planning Department prior to requesting a final inspection. <br />ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT <br />20. Any, and all, changes to the approved Grading and Drainage plan shall first be approved by <br />the Town Engineering Department. No grading shall take place during the grading <br />moratorium (October 1st to April 30th) except with prior approval from the City Engineer. <br />No grading shall take place within ten feet of any property line. <br />21. An encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Department for all work <br />proposed in the public right-of-way. No work within the public right-of-way shall commence <br />without an encroachment permit. <br />PRIOR TO BUILDING PLAN CHECK: <br />22. Two copies of a Grading & Construction Operation plan shall be submitted by the property <br />owner for review and approval by the City Engineer and Planning Director prior to acceptance <br />of plans for building plan check. The grading/construction operation plan shall address truck <br />traffic issues regarding dust, noise, and vehicular and pedestrian traffic safety on Oak Knoll <br />Circle, and surrounding roadways; storage of construction materials; placement of sanitary <br />facilities; parking for construction vehicles; and parking for construction personnel. A debris <br />box (trash dumpster) shall be placed on site for collection of construction debris. Arrangements <br />Resolution PC 14-22 Page 4 <br />