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RESOLUTION 90-22 <br />RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br />ESTABLISHING STANDING COMMITTEES AND <br />ADOPTING GENERAL AND SPECIAL RULES PERTAINING THERETO <br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills wishes to establish standing <br />volunteer committees to assist the Council with various issues; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Town does RESOLVE that the following <br />standing committees are established, and the following general and special rules pertaining to <br />standing volunteer committees are hereby adopted: <br />Section 1. Committees Established. The following are hereby constituted as the regular <br />Standing Committees of the Town: <br />a) Community Relations Committee <br />b) Emergency Preparedness and Response Committee <br />C) Environmental Design and Protection Committee <br />d) Finance and Investment Committee <br />e) Parks and Recreation Committee <br />f) Pathways Committee <br />g) Open Space Committee <br />h) Environmental Initiatives Committee <br />i) History Committee <br />j) Public Art Committee <br />k) Technology Committee <br />Section 2. General Powers and Duties <br />a) Each of the Standing Committees shall have the general power and duty to <br />render advice and make recommendations to the City Council, Planning <br />Commission, or the City Manager and other Town bodies designated by <br />the City Council on all aspects of its particular sphere of interest. <br />b) Each Standing Committee shall make regular oral reports to the Council, <br />in addition to any specific reports and recommendations requested by the <br />City Council or deemed necessary by a majority of the members of the <br />Standing Committee. <br />c) Each Standing Committee shall meet with the City Council, once a year at <br />the Council's request, to discuss and report on its goals, projects, <br />accomplishments, and concerns. <br />d) Each Standing Committee shall study its own structure, specific charges <br />and direction, and recommend any changes, if needed, to the City Council. <br />e) The City Council shall advise Standing Committees of any evaluation <br />made of the Standing Committee's actions and direction, and any <br />proposed action to amend the Standing Committees charges. <br />Resolution 90-22 Page 1 <br />