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Accepting an Offer of Right-of-Way Easement Dedication (Lands of Rajwar)
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-jvVaxz%rH11BIT 64199 <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT DEDICATION <br />LANDS OF RAJ -WAR FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUS <br />26880 ORTEGA DRIVE, <br />LOS ALTOS HILLS, CALIFORNIA <br />A 5.00" wide easement for Right of Way purposes over that certain real property, situate in the <br />Town of Los Altos Hills, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being a portion of "Lot 10, <br />Block B" as shown on that certain map entitled "Tract No. 1848, Fremont Hills, Unit <br />No. I" filed in the office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County on January 16, 1957 in <br />Book 76 of Maps at Pages 12,13,14, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the North comer of said lot coincident with the South Right of Way line of Ortega <br />Drive (50' wide) - <br />Thence along the East line of said lot South 13'03'18 " West 5.13 feet; <br />Thence leaving last said line Westerly along a line parallel with and 5.00 feet south measured at <br />right angles from the North line of said lot coincident with said South Right of Way line of Ortega <br />Drive (50' wide) the following three (3) courses - <br />1. North 90000'00" West 46.96 feet <br />2. Along a curve to the left with a radius of 270.00 feet, through a central angle of 19'30'00" <br />an arc length of 91.89 feet <br />3. South 70'30"00" West 119-09 feet to a curve to the left with a radius of 20.00 feet, <br />Thence leaving last said parallel line along last said curve, through a central angle of 72'4447", <br />an arc length of 25.39 feet to the West line of said lot coincident with the East Right of Way line <br />of Saint Francis Drive (60' wide); <br />Thence leaving last said curve Northeasterly along said West line of said lot coincident with said <br />East.Right of Way line of Saint Francis Drive (60' wide) and along the North line of said lot <br />coincident with said South Right of Way line of Ortega Drive (50' wide) the following five (5) <br />courses: <br />1. Along a non -tangent curve to the left with a radius 160.00 feet, from which a radial bears <br />North 86'29'14',' East, through a central angle of 01'30'357', an arc length of 4.22 feet <br />2. Along a curve to the right with a radius of 20.00 feet, through a central angle of 75'31' 2 F% <br />an arc length of 26.36 feet <br />3. North 70'30'00" East 117.72 feet <br />4. Along a curve to the right with a radius of 275.00 feet, through a central angle of 19'30'00", <br />an arc length of 93.59 feet <br />5. North 90'00'00" East 48.12 feet to the Point of Beginning <br />Containing 1,370 square feet, more or less. <br />As shown on plat attached hereto labeled Exhibit B and by this reference made a part hereof. <br />The bearings described are based on the Northwest line of said "Lot 10, Block B" as shown on that <br />certain map entitled "Tract No. 1848, Fremont Hills, Unit No. 1" filed in the office of the County <br />Recorder of Santa Clara County on January 16, 1957 in Book 76 of Maps at Pages 12,13,14 being <br />"East" (North 90'00"00" East). <br />END OF DESCRIPTION N SIU <br />PREPARED BY OR UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: <br />PATRICK C. WEBER, LS 8162 R <br />Wprojects\202 I—JOBS\2212228 CI\dwg\Easements,\W0RKING FILES\1 1-07-22\EXHIBIT Adocx 162 <br />j AIoil N <br />Page I of 2 <br />C p, <br />Resolution 06-23 <br />
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