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POSITION DESCRIPTION <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR <br />Reports To: City Manager FL.SA: Exempt <br />Supervises: Planning, Building Department, and Code Enforcement Staff <br />Position Description: <br />Under the general direction of, and at the will of the City Manager, directs the Town's Planning <br />and Building Departments; coordinates the development review process to assure compliance <br />with planning and building requirements; attends meetings of the City Council, Planning <br />Commission, and appropriate committees as necessary; serves as Hearings Officer for Site <br />Development and Fast Track hearings; prepares and/or coordinates preparation of long-range <br />planning efforts, including General Plan updates, formulation of policies and ordinances, and <br />special studies as directed; interprets, implements and enforces General Plan and Planning <br />related codes and ordinances; engages in considerable public contact regarding zoning, site <br />development, and subdivision standards and other planning issues; coordinates with other <br />planning agencies; manages the building activity including plan check, permitting, inspection, <br />and all aspects of our fee collection, manages the triennial building code amendment process and <br />any related reach codes; streamlines and implements rebates as necessary to expedite and <br />encourage applicants going through the building review process; and managed all aspects of <br />Code Enforcement related to building, planning and nuisance reporting; also coordinated efforts <br />related to sustainable building and GHG emission tracking practice; and performs related duties <br />as required. <br />Examples of Duties: <br />• Organizes and coordinates all planning activities of the Town; processes and reviews all <br />administrative and discretionary land use applications. <br />• Oversees all building activities of the Town and coordination with the planning development <br />process. <br />• Maintains program to enforce Town planning, zoning, and building laws. <br />• Reviews and makes written recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council <br />on discretionary land use requests; makes field inspections of properties involved and <br />presents applications and project requests to the Planning Commission and City Council. <br />• Presides as Hearings Officer at Site Development and Fast Track hearings. <br />• Conducts research and analysis on planning related topics; drafts recommendations; prepares <br />policies, ordinance amendments, and General Plan amendments; presents studies and <br />participates in discussion with sub -committees, Planning Commission, and City Council. <br />Community Development Director <br />(Position Description, cont.) <br />Rev. 2/23 <br />Resolution 11-23 Page 2 <br />