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• Assists the Town staff, Planning Commission and City Council in keeping up-to-date with <br />proposed legislation or development that may affect the community. <br />• Manages the Town's Planning Department; oversees the selection of the Town's planning <br />consultants and manages their work. <br />• Prepares and monitors the Planning Department budget and the Building Department budget. <br />• Manages and coordinates Planning and Building Department use of computers and other <br />technology. <br />• Manages the building activity including plan check, permitting, inspection, and all aspects of <br />our fee collection efforts which includes regular reporting of impact and user fees for <br />compliance and best practices. <br />• Through the help of the building department manages the triennial building code amendment <br />process and any related reach codes such as electrification and other related code requirement <br />beyond the state minimum <br />• Streamlines and implements rebates as necessary to expedite and encourage applicants going <br />through the building review process whether required by state of local requirements. <br />• Managed all aspects of Code Enforcement related to planning, building, and nuisance related <br />reports from residents, <br />• Manage the issuance of business licenses. <br />• Coordinated efforts related to sustainable building requirements and annual Green House Gas <br />emission inventory. <br />Abilities <br />• Thorough knowledge of State and local planning and zoning standards, the California <br />Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Subdivision Map Act, and current techniques of <br />urban planning. <br />• Thorough knowledge of municipal and legal procedures regarding city planning and zoning. <br />• Basic knowledge of relevant elements of civil engineering, economics, municipal finance and <br />budgeting, sociology, and architecture as they apply to urban planning. <br />• Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff, Town officials, <br />and the general public. <br />• Ability to analyze data and to read and understand development plans. <br />• Ability to produce complex planning studies and to formulate recommendations for planning <br />standards and the development of General and area wide plans. <br />• Ability to visualize and use sound judgment in evaluating future developments. <br />• Ability to express ideas effectively, orally and in writing. <br />Community Development Director <br />(Position Description, cont.) 2 <br />Rev. 2/23 <br />Resolution 11-23 Page 3 <br />