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RESOLUTION 17-23 <br />A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AUCTION, TRANSFER, <br />DONATE, OR RECYCLE/DISPOSE OF SURPLUS VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT <br />WHEREAS, Section 2-4.06 of the Municipal Code provides the City Manager with the option of <br />selling surplus properties by soliciting bids; and <br />WHEREAS, in the event the value of the property to be sold is estimated at more than five <br />hundred dollars ($500), the sale shall be subject to the approval of the City Council; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town currently uses eBay to auction surplus properties. eBay's transparency, <br />reputation, and ability to collect funds is a more efficient alternative to a privately held auction <br />house; and <br />WHEREAS, from the recent Town Hall renovation and furniture/space upgrade projects and also <br />due to the age and condition of certain Town fleet vehicles, the Public Works Department has <br />identified a number of Town equipment and vehicles as surplus properties; and <br />WHEREAS, the following surplus items have been identified as having an estimated value of <br />more than $500: <br />1. 1995 Case 580L Backhoe— The Town purchased this equipment for earth moving and lifting <br />activities. The equipment has 4013 hours of use, and it is no longer fully operational and <br />does not meet new CA emissions regulations. The Town has a newer John Deere Backhoe <br />to perform the same tasks. <br />2. 2004 Ford Escape Hybrid — The Town purchased this vehicle for daily field inspections. <br />The vehicle has 50,724 miles on its odometer and is no longer operational. It has been <br />replaced by the Kia Niro EV, leased in 2022. <br />3. Ziemanm SE 16' Trailer — Equipment is no longer fully operational. The Town has <br />purchased a replacement trailer in 2022. <br />4. BT.B.124 Tilt Deck Trailer — Equipment is now obsolete and has a Gross Vehicle Weight <br />Rating that is too low for Town Equipment. The trailer will be replaced with a similar <br />trailer. <br />5. Two 2) - Bomford Turner Flail Mower Attachments — Both mower attachments are not <br />operational and are not compatible with current Town tractors. Both units were replaced <br />with new Tiger Flail mowers that attach to the Town's new Kubota Tractor <br />6. Miscellaneous Office Furniture — Furniture items replaced by new furniture during the latest <br />Town Hall renovation and furniture/space projects. These include desks, cubicles, tables, <br />drawers, and cabinets. <br />However, given the nature of the auction process, it is possible that these items will sell for less <br />than $500. <br />Resolution 17-23 Page 1 <br />