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WHEREAS, California Government Code Section'65583 requires that the Housing Element <br />Update contain: (i) an assessment of the Town's housing needs and an analysis of the resources <br />and constraints, both governmental and non-governmental, relevant to the meeting of these needs; <br />(ii) an inventory of land suitable and available for residential development and an analysis of the <br />development potential of such sites; (iii) a statement of the community's goals, quantified <br />objectives, and policies relative to the maintenance, preservation, improvement, and development <br />of housing; and (iv) programs that set forth a schedule of actions the Town is undertaking or <br />intends to undertake to implement the policies and achieve the goals and objectives of the Housing <br />Element; <br />WHEREAS, State law requires that the Town take meaningful steps to promote and affirmatively <br />further fair housing (Gov. Code Section 65583(c)(5)); and <br />WHEREAS, State law requires that the Town make zoning available for all types of housing, <br />including multifamily housing (Gov. Code Sections 65583.2 and 65583(c)); and <br />WHEREAS, the Housing Element must be adopted to comply with State law, accommodate the <br />RHNA, affirmatively further fair housing, and facilitate and encourage a variety of housing types <br />for all income levels, including multifamily housing (Gov. Code Sections 65583.2 and 65583(c)); <br />and <br />WHEREAS, under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section <br />15061(b)(3), CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant <br />effect on the environment, and where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that <br />the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject <br />to CEQA; and <br />WHEREAS, under CEQA Guidelines Section 15283, CEQA also does not apply to regional <br />housing need determinations made by municipalities pursuant to Government Code section 65584; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Housing Element is a policy document only, does not implement any land use <br />projects or issue any entitlements, and does not contain policies that have the potential to result in <br />any direct or indirect physical changes to the environment; and <br />WHEREAS, the preparation, adoption, and implementation of the Housing Element requires a <br />diligent effort to include all economic segments of the community; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town conducted extensive community outreach over the last twelve months <br />including five community workshops, one virtual pop-up event, and two public meetings before <br />the Planning Commission and the City Council; and <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with Government Code Section 65585 (b), on October 27, 2022, the <br />Town timely submitted the draft Housing Element to the State Department of Housing and <br />Community Development (HCD) for its review; and <br />Resolution 09-23 Page 2 <br />