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-- environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA. In addition, CEQA does not apply to <br />regional housing needs determinations made by the City pursuant to Government Code <br />section 65584. Thus, the proposed Housing Element Update is exempt from CEQA <br />both under Sections 15601(b)(3) and 15283 of the CEQA Guidelines. <br />3. Based on substantial evidence in the record, including but not limited to: documentation <br />of planned and, realized densities -of recent and proposed developments, potential of <br />affordable housing in coexistence with institutional uses, the, size of suitable <br />development areas and pockets of land on nonvacant sites, large increases in residential <br />and land values, and continued high market demand for residential units and desire to <br />situate in the Los Altos Hills community, the existing uses on the nonvacant sites <br />identified in the site inventory to accommodate the RHNA are likely to be discontinued <br />during the planning period and therefore do not constitute, an impediment to planned <br />residential development on the site during the planning period. <br />4. As required by Government Code Section 65585(e), the City Council has considered <br />the findings made by the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) <br />included in the Department's letter to the Town of Los Altos Hills dated January 25, <br />2023, and consistent with Government Code Section 65585(f), the City Council has <br />revised the Housing Element in response to the findings of the Department to <br />substantially comply with the requirements of State. Housing Element Law as <br />interpreted by HCD. As a result of the edits made in response to HCD's letter, the <br />Housing Element substantially complies with Housing Element Law, as provided in <br />Government Code section 65580 et seq. and contains all provisions required by State <br />Housing Element Law, as shown in the Findings of Substantial Compliance and <br />Completeness Checklist, provided as Exhibits A and B to this resolution, respectively, <br />incorporated herein by this reference. The City Council hereby finds that the Housing <br />Element is in substantial compliance with State Housing Element Law. <br />5. The Town of Los Altos Hills 2015-2023 Housing Element. is hereby repealed in its <br />entirety, and the Town of Los Altos Hills 2023-203.1 Housing Element, as shown in <br />Exhibit C, is hereby adopted. <br />6. This Resolution shall become effective upon adoption by the City Council. <br />7. The Planning Director or their designee is hereby directed to file all necessary material <br />with the HCD for the Department to find that the Housing Element is in conformance <br />with State Housing Element Law and is further directed and authorized to make all <br />non -substantive changes to the Housing Element to make it internally consistent or to <br />address any non -substantive changes or amendments requested by the Department to <br />achieve certification. <br />8. The Planning Director or their designee is hereby directed to distribute copies of the <br />Housing Element in the manner provided in Government Code Sections 65357 and <br />65589.7 <br />Resolution 09-23 Page 4 <br />