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RESOLUTION 24-23 <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE <br />MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WITH OTHER SANTA CLARA VALLEY <br />MUNICIPALITIES TO ALLOW FOR CONTINUATION OF THE SANTA CLARA <br />VALLEY URBAN RUNOFF POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM AND <br />AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AMENDMENT <br />WHEREAS, the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program (SCVURPPP) <br />was originally formed in 1990 through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) among Santa Clara <br />Valley -based local governments, including the Town of Los Altos Hills; and <br />WHEREAS, SCVURPPP assists local government members to comply with a California <br />Regional Water Quality Control Board's San Francisco Bay Municipal Regional Stormwater <br />National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit for discharging stormwater runoff from <br />the municipal separate storm sewer systems; and <br />WHEREAS, SCVURPPP consortium is comprised of the Santa Clara Valley Water District, the <br />County of Santa Clara, and thirteen cities and towns, including the Town of Los Altos Hills; and <br />WHEREAS, SCVURPPP staff provides assistance to help negotiate the Stormwater Permit's <br />requirements with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board and supports its members <br />in complying with the permit's requirements; and <br />WHEREAS, the current term of the MOA governing the SCVURPPP, as established through its <br />last amendment, is set to expire on June 30, 2023, one year after the effective date of a new <br />Stormwater Permit issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board; and <br />WHEREAS, the Management Committee of SCVURPPP adopted that extensions of SCVURPPP <br />term must be unanimously approved by all participating municipalities by April 19, 2023; and <br />WHEREAS, the requested extension of the MOA's term will allow SCVURPPP to continue and <br />serve the participating municipalities throughout the new Stormwater Permit's term and to help <br />negotiate reissuance of the successive Stormwater Permit by the California Regional Water <br />Quality Control Board; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town has read and considered the Fourth Amendment to a prior MOA with other <br />Santa Clara Valley Municipalities to allow for continuation of SCVURPPP. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />that: <br />1. The Town of Los Altos Hills hereby accepts the Fourth Amendment to a prior <br />Memorandum of Agreement with other Santa Clara Valley Municipalities. <br />Resolution 24-23 Page 1 <br />