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3 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />January 25, 2023 <br />History Committee can help in making Westwind Community Barn a state designated <br />landmark. <br /> <br />Allan Epstein, Los Altos Hills, commented about the process. Why are items on the <br />list that are routine items? He thinks a number of things could be removed from the <br />list. Some things are missing relating to the sewer system - issues with capacity and <br />changes in the town affect the needs for additional capacity. There are some changes <br />to the municipal code relating to procurement process. <br /> <br />Anand Ranganathan, Los Altos Hills, wrote to the Council about putting the reach <br />codes on the priority list. He asked that the reach codes be moved out of the parking <br />lot. Passing a reach code that affects existing buildings this year should also be <br />added. Climate Change is not waiting for us to go through our bureaucratic <br />processes. <br /> <br />Ann Duwe, Los Altos Hills, recommended that we be proactive in promoting <br />elements of the green sheets and that we join with other communities in challenging <br />HCD (California Department of Housing and Community Development), its process <br />and its numbers. The requirements are wreaking havoc with local control. We <br />should be able to find a way to work with other cities to challenge the RHNA <br />(Regional Housing Needs Allocation) process. We should consider delaying our dues <br />to the League of California Cities. <br /> <br />Teresa Baker, Los Altos Hills, said she wants to codify the green sheets and <br />maintain them. She wants to see horses and other animals in the future. We also <br />need to finish the pathways. <br /> <br />Kjell Karlsson, Los Altos Hills, urged Council make sure that they direct staff to <br />send a message to the League of California Cities. Also, Councilmember Tankha is <br />not here. She should have input. <br /> <br /> Identify Possible Additions to the Work Plan <br /> <br />Further Council discussion ensued on potential additions to the proposed work plan: <br /> <br />Councilmember Tyson said that he has three things that he wants to elevate: <br /> <br />1. Reach Codes. <br />2. Support of the pathway expansion. <br />3. Continue with the fence ordinance. <br /> <br />Two things that people have spoken about are the green sheets and farm animals. He <br />supports the farm animals completely. The green sheets - the enormous workload to <br />add an item to the ballot - that is a huge lift. He does not see the sewer rate study, the <br />conveyance charges as rising issues. <br />