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8/22/2023 11:08:02 AM
Creation date
4/27/2023 10:23:28 AM
Approving an Update to the Housing Element of the General Plan for the Period of 2023-2031 and Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, and Complying with State Housing Element Law
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HCD's findings, the Town's response to HCD's findings, the staff report and all attachments, and <br />oral and written public comments, and adopted Resolution No. 09-23, to (1) find and determine <br />that the 2023-2031 Los Altos Hills Housing Element Update is exempt from review under the <br />California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) and 15283 of the <br />CEQA Guidelines and Section 65584 of the California Government Code; (2) adopt the 2023- <br />2031 Los Altos Hills Housing Element Update; (3) find that the 2023-2031 Los Altos Hills <br />Housing Element Update substantially complies with State Housing Element Law; (4) direct the <br />Planning Director or designee to file all necessary material with HCD for the Department to find <br />that the Housing Element is in conformance with State Housing Element Law; and (5) direct and <br />authorize the Planning Director or designee to make all non -substantive changes to the Housing <br />Element to make it internally consistent or to address any non -substantive changes or amendments <br />requested by the Department to achieve certification; and <br />WHEREAS, on March 17, 2023, HCD provided a comment letter to the Town outlining certain <br />areas where the adopted Housing Element could be enhanced to achieve certification as a part of <br />HCD's determination process to make findings of substantial compliance on the Housing Element. <br />These areas include: (1) enhancing analysis and descriptions of base conditions, housing factors <br />and development projections in the Town; (2) responding to questions relating to site-specific <br />owner interest in development in the Site Inventory; and (3) enhancing programs to affirmatively <br />further fair housing (AFFH) through programs to address fair housing factors and housing <br />mobility; and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to the revision authority provided under Resolution No. 09-23, the Town <br />prepared updates to the 2023-2031 Housing Element to address the changes requested by HCD, as <br />shown in Attachment 2 to the accompanying April 20, 2023 staff report to the City Council and <br />accessible at <br />2031 (the "Update"); this Update contains additional clarifications and programs to serve the <br />policies and goals previously adopted in the 2023-2031 Housing Element, without impacting or <br />deleting previously adopted policies and goals. The additional clarifications and programs are also <br />responsive to changes requested by HCD pursuant to the March 17, 2023 comment letter; as such, <br />preparation of this Update is within the revision authority provided under Resolution No. 09-23; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Town has provided a seven-day public review period for the Update which <br />commenced April 11, 2023; notice was sent to all interested parties who requested notice in writing <br />as required by state law, and such notice and the draft Update were posted on the Town's website <br />on April 11, 2023 for public review. In addition, the City Council considered the Update pursuant <br />to a public meeting held on April 20, 2023, at which time it considered the entirety of the reports <br />and record before it, provided an opportunity for members of the public and all interested parties <br />to be heard, considered all public comments received and directed additional clarifications be <br />incorporated in to the Update. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills hereby finds that, based <br />on substantial evidence in the record: <br />1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are incorporated by reference into this <br />action. <br />Resolution 35-23 Page 3 <br />
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