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8/22/2023 11:08:02 AM
Creation date
4/27/2023 10:23:28 AM
Approving an Update to the Housing Element of the General Plan for the Period of 2023-2031 and Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, and Complying with State Housing Element Law
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2. Based on the entirety of the record before it, the City Council hereby continues to find <br />and determine that the Update to the 2023-2031 Los Altos Hills Housing Element, as <br />shown in Attachment 2 to the accompanying April 20, 2023 staff report to the City <br />Council and accessible at <br />element -update -2023-2031, and incorporated herein by this reference ("Update"), is <br />exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant <br />to Section 15061(b)(3) and 15283 of the CEQA Guidelines and Section 65584 of the <br />California Government Code. The Housing Element is a policy document which does <br />not provide entitlements to any specific land use project and does not contain policies <br />that have potential to result in any direct or indirect physical changes to the <br />environment. Any individual development projects would further undergo additional <br />environmental analysis at the time of future entitlements. Thus, it is covered by the <br />common sense exemption that CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential <br />for causing a significant effect on the environment, and where it can be seen with <br />certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant <br />effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA. In addition, CEQA does <br />not apply to regional housing needs determinations made by the City pursuant to <br />Government Code section 65584. Thus, the proposed Update is exempt from CEQA <br />both under Sections 15601(b)(3) and 15283 of the CEQA Guidelines. <br />3. The Update contains additional clarifications and enhanced programs to serve the <br />policies and goals previously adopted in the 2023-2031 Housing Element. These <br />clarifications and enhancements include: clarifications regarding suitability and <br />development potentials of parcels included in the Site Inventory; modifications and <br />clarifications regarding multi -family zoning and site development capacity; enhanced <br />programs to affirmatively furthering fair housing such as addressing housing mobility <br />and increasing housing choices throughout Los Altos Hills, removing barriers to <br />accessible and affordable housing, increasing housing opportunities and public <br />outreach, and further removing governmental constraints; and inclusion of additional <br />mid-cycle review process to evaluate the Town's progress in achieving its Housing <br />Element goals. The clarifications and enhancements contained in the Update are <br />consistent with and responsive to the requirements of State Housing Element Law as <br />provided in Government Code section 65580 et seq., including but not limited to <br />Government Code section 65583 ("Housing Element Law"). The 2023-2031 Housing <br />Element and its Update provide clear goals, quantified objectives and schedules of <br />action to, among other things, affirmatively furthering fair housing, removing <br />governmental and nongovernmental constraints, implementing actions regarding <br />special needs and assisted housing, and meeting the Town's Regional Housing Needs <br />Allocation ("RHNA") goals at specific income and affordability levels. <br />4. Pursuant to Government Code sections 65585 (e) and (f) and Resolution No. 09-23, the <br />City Council previously made specific findings under Exhibits A and B to Resolution <br />No. 09-23 to determine the 2023-2031 Housing Element is in substantial compliance <br />with State Housing Element Law. The City Council also determined that, based on <br />substantial evidence in the record, including but not limited to: documentation of <br />planned and realized densities of recent and proposed developments, potential of <br />Resolution 35-23 Page 4 <br />
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