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9. Roof eaves of all structures shall not encroach into the required yards. The roof eaves shall be <br />shown on the site plans in the set of construction drawings. <br />1.0.. Skylights, if utilized, shall be designed and constructed to reduce emitted light (tinted or colored <br />glass, or other material) and shall be equipped with shades. No lighting may be placed within <br />skylight wells. <br />11. Fire retardant roofing (Class A) is required for all new construction. <br />12. All. space heating and water heating systems installed in the new residence and/or detached <br />habitable building shall be all -electric systems pursuant to Section 8-1.6.02 of the Town's <br />Building Regulations. Gas or propane heating systems are not permitted. If gas cooking or <br />clothes drying appliances are .installed, then dedicated electrical receptacles and circuits will be <br />required to allow for future electric appliances. Fireplaces and all outdoor gas appliances are <br />excluded from these requirements. <br />13. All construction shall comply with Section R337 of the 2019 California Residential Code <br />(Materials and Construction Methods for Exterior Wildfire Exposure). <br />14. No new fencing is approved. All relocated or modified gates are the responsibility of the <br />owner/applicant to replace as necessary and shall meet Fire. Department access requirements <br />with a clear entrance_ of 14 feet. Any additional or modified fencing or gates shall require review <br />and approval by the Planning Department prior to installation. <br />15. All retaining walls along the rebuilt Sherlock Road and Sherlock Court roadway, along <br />the driveway, fire truck turnaround, and around and below the structure, shall be a dark <br />earth -tone color that is integrated into the concrete or into the blocks used to construct <br />the, wall. <br />16. All exterior. building lighting fixtures shall be down directed and fully shielded non- <br />movable fixtures. Building lighting shall not exceed 3,000 Kelvins and 600 lumens and <br />driveway and parking retaining wall lighting shall not. exceed 200 lumens. Exterior <br />lighting on the new residence is approved as shown on the revised plans dated "September <br />10, 2021" with the following modifications: maximum of two (2) garage door lights, six (6) <br />lower eave lights, and nine (9) upper eave lights (specifically remove the upper eave light <br />on the northeast corner of the home). Driveway and parking wall lighting shall be limited <br />to two (2) fixtures on the upper driveway, 2 at the turn, and one in the turnaround area. <br />Exterior landscape lighting is not approved at this time and shall be submitted with the <br />required landscape screening plan. Any changes to the approved lighting plan shall be <br />approved by the Planning Department prior to installation. <br />17. As shown on the plan set dated "Received July 7, 2021 .and Revised September 10, 202111, <br />a majority of the south and east facing windows and glazing on the upper floor shall be <br />equipped with motorized shades to provide glare reduction for solar radiation and for <br />light emanating from the home. Three south facing windows on the lower floor bedrooms <br />shall also be equipped with motorized shades. <br />Resolution 44-23 Page 3 <br />