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2 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />May 25, 2023 <br /> <br />A. Update and Receive Comments on Site Selection for the Housing Element Specific <br />to Twin Oaks and Arastradero Properties (Staff: P. Pirnejad) <br />City Manager Peter Pirnejad introduced the topic. <br /> <br />Public Comment <br /> <br />Jim Steinmetz, Los Altos Hills, asked about the contingency plan if St. Nicholas does not <br />want to subdivide their site and develop it, and asked about very low and low-income units <br />allocated to St. Nicholas and why that site received a greater percentage of very low and <br />low-income allocation than any other site. He expressed concern about putting those units in <br />close proximately to a K-8 school. <br /> <br />City Attorney Steve Mattas reminded the Council and the public that the special meeting <br />agenda tonight is very focused on the Saddle Mountain/Twin Oaks residents tonight. <br /> <br />Michael Grady, Los Altos Hills, said the current draft of the housing element estimates for <br />Twin Oaks, a total capacity of 92 units. There has been submitted to the Town by Twin <br />Oaks a project that is about 350 units and if you add the adjacent two-plus acres and rezone <br />15 acres to 20 to 30, you are looking at 400 units along there. He implored the Council not <br />to rezone 15 acres, but to rezone three lots most suitable for development, but do not create <br />an entitlement across 15 acres. <br /> <br />Ian Earnest, Los Altos Hills, said the level of outreach of this project was not good. He <br />received a letter about a pathway in his neighborhood, but he would have appreciated a letter <br />about this project. He said he would like to see development done across the town. <br /> <br />Helen Huong, Los Altos Hills, said she just heard about this yesterday. She expressed <br />concerns about Arastradero and the traffic problems that will occur. The roads are narrow <br />and cannot support the development. <br /> <br />John O'Connell, Los Altos Hills, thanked the City Manager and City Attorney for <br />arranging this meeting so quickly. He has communicated in the past that it is his intention to <br />submit comments to HCD. He is in contact with Reid Miller with HCD. The fundamental <br />requirement to meet state law is to meet low-income housing. Twin Oaks makes 20% of that <br />target. The rest of it is in the place where they are not going to do it. He strongly believed <br />the current housing element plan will not be found in compliance with the state's <br />requirements. <br /> <br />R.K. Anand, Los Altos Hills, said his biggest concern is with Arastradero. There is already <br />office and school traffic. He said the neighborhood had no clue about this project until <br />today. This area is in a fire zone, and it is also an evacuation zone. He requested better <br />communication from the town. <br /> <br />Harl Sankar, Los Altos Hills, expressed concerns about communications and having that