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7/7/2023 7:25:33 AM
Special Meeting Minutes
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3 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />May 25, 2023 <br />much housing in that one small area. It is unfair to the new residents too as they will be <br />isolated in what will look like New York City projects. The current proposal is not <br />thoughtful, and it lacks imagination. <br /> <br />Junaid Qurashi, Los Altos Hills, said he just found out about this proposal. He asked for <br />better communication. We need to put our heads together as a bigger community in order to <br />solve this problem. <br /> <br />Anne Paulson, Los Altos, said she was interested in the preliminary application for senior <br />housing on the Twin Oaks site. She said she was unable to see the application or get <br />information about the owner. <br /> <br />Sasha Zbrozek, Los Altos Hills, said he would love to help the Town out with a housing <br />commitment and allow him to build the project he has in mind. <br /> <br />JJ Zhuang, Los Altos Hills, said he joined call five minutes ago. This issue affects every <br />resident in the town and if we have invited everyone in the town, everyone will have an <br />opinion. <br /> <br />Sallie, an online attendee, said that she agreed that this entire process was very poorly <br />advertised. She does not understand why we would exceed the minimum number of units <br />that we are required to put in Los Altos Hills. Putting in over 400 units is going to destroy <br />Los Altos Hills and we pay a lot of money to live here. <br /> <br />Carol Gottlieb, Los Altos Hills, said she would like to give cede her time to John <br />O'Connell. <br /> <br />City Attorney Mattas said it is up to the council if they want to allow someone to cede <br />their time to someone else. Historically, the Council has not entertained requests to cede <br />time; everyone is given the same amount of time. <br /> <br />Linda Selker, Los Altos Hills, said she found out about this meeting and topic at 4:30 <br />today. She would like to find out more about the proposed project. She asked for more <br />notice. <br /> <br />LanVi Evans, Los Altos Hills, said she wasn't aware of the housing element for Los Altos <br />Hills. She asked that someone explain the timeline. <br /> <br />Kathy Liccardo, Los Altos Hills, said the communication has been poor for this issue. She <br />asked what defines low income and what is going to happen with the quality of life here in <br />Los Altos Hills. <br /> <br />Duffy Price, Los Altos Hills, addressed communications and asked that Our Town be used <br />for communication. There is a lot to be discussed regarding the housing element, but we <br />must have improvements in outreach and transparency. <br />
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