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2 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />February 28, 2023 <br />Council Member Tyson suggested that the presentation by the City Manager and <br />consultant be heard next. <br /> <br />City Manager Peter Pirnejad and Consultant Bryan Uhler shared a presentation <br />entitled “Burglaries: Preliminary Response Concepts/Options.” City Manager <br />Pirnejad gave an overview of Mr. Uhler’s experience and expertise and described <br />the work and outreach that has been done since the subcommittee meeting. <br /> <br />Actions taken by the Town of Atherton which resulted in a reduction from 45 <br />residential burglaries in one year to 16 in the next were reviewed. Short-, mid- and <br />long-range options based on the Atherton Model were presented. <br /> <br />Council discussion ensued. <br /> <br />Public Comment <br /> <br />Helen Lin-Murphy, Los Altos Hills, asked if staff could look into improving <br />response times and finding ways to influence the Sheriffs priorities. <br /> <br />Dru Anderson, Los Altos Hills, suggested looking over various programs in town <br />and using key pieces such as keeping properties clear 5 feet from the house like the <br />Firewise guidelines to minimize hiding locations. <br /> <br />Courtenay C. Corrigan, Los Altos Hills, expressed that forming private <br />neighborhood watch programs works if one has an organized neighborhood or the <br />funds to hire private patrol. She was in favor of adding a detective due to the unique <br />burglaries occurring. <br /> <br />Jim Waschura, Los Altos Hills, wanted to hear the Council’s opinion on the idea of <br />a Public Safety Committee. <br /> <br />Homi Fatemi, Los Altos Hills, wants to look into State and Federal resources such as <br />a detective to limit criminal activity. <br /> <br />Gary Patou, Los Altos Hills, said we need more law enforcement staff present and <br />is in support of private patrol but believes it is the town’s responsibility. <br /> <br />Carol Gottlieb, Los Altos Hills, proposed that preventing parking on the pathways <br />may reduce criminals’ ability to blend in. <br /> <br />Dorit Perry, Los Altos Hills, asked if burglaries occurred in vacant homes. She said <br />that town should focus on response times. The Sheriff should focus on suspicious <br />behavior and activities rather than traffic violations. She is in favor of hiring private <br />security. <br />