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City Council Minutes
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7/7/2023 7:27:55 AM
Special Meeting Minutes
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3 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />February 28, 2023 <br />Shelley Osuch, Los Altos Hills, said that cameras in Carmel capture driver, car, and <br />model and would like to see such advances in town. She was wondering if black out <br />car tints were illegal and if the Sheriff could pull over cars with dark tints to deter <br />criminal activity. Lastly, she mentioned notifying neighbors when burglaries occur is <br />important to keep residents informed. <br /> <br />John M., Los Altos Hills, is in favor of a messaging system for residents. He <br />believes the town needs about 6 deputies. <br /> <br />Rajiv Bhateja, Los Altos Hills, shared a presentation on ALPR. He is in favor of <br />private patrol and having a private patrol car driving around town will be a deterrent. <br />He proposed deploying decoy police cars that move from one place to another. He <br />said that only 10 out of 51 burglaries in 2022 were investigated, which is less than <br />20%. He emphasized the need to find ways to better utilize ALPR system. He <br />believes that we need a Public Safety Committee. He spoke to the CEO of Flock in <br />hopes of scheduling training for deputies. <br /> <br />Kjell Karlsson, Los Altos Hills, said he is in favor of a Public Safety Committee. He <br />recommended the town hire deputies based on three overtime hours rather than one <br />full-time deputy so that their hours reflect the times we need them. Shifts of full-time <br />deputy cannot be adjusted due to their union contract. <br /> <br />Jim Cruz, Los Altos Hills, is a victim of a burglary. He spoke regarding the Sheriff <br />Department’s handling of the burglary. He said that he remembered seeing <br />motorcycle officers with rifles and believes that made a statement and were effective. <br /> <br />Captain Neil Valenzuela, Santa Clara County Sheriff Department, responded that <br />the contracted response times are as follows: Priority one (ex: alarms) response time <br />set for 9 minutes; Priority two (ex: identity theft, regular call for service) set for 14 <br />minutes; and Priority three (ex: cold theft, parking complaint) set for 25 minutes. <br /> <br />City Manager Pirnejad explained where to find Sheriff reports in City Manager’s <br />Weekly report. The report includes every call made by the Sheriff deputies. He stated <br />that the contract with the Sheriff Departments is on an hourly basis rather than shift <br />basis. The Town of Los Altos Hills gets allocated a certain number of hours. Hours <br />are assigned based on needs. Response times aren’t measured from when the call is <br />made. He recommended having the ALPR discussion at a future Council meeting. <br /> <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Vice Mayor Mok moved to have the Council <br />appropriate $150,000 from unrestricted reserves to the General Fund in order for the <br />City Manager to elicit competitive bids and execute a contract not to exceed $150,000 <br />for private security. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Tankha. <br /> <br />MOTION PASSED 3-2: <br />AYES: Swan, Mok, Tankha <br />NOES: Schmidt, Tyson
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