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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> August 3, 2006 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 1930 but no site plan was available. County tax records exist to verify that the buildings were on <br /> record and the error was probably done during construction. <br /> Commissioner Clow asked if there was any reason the Stubbs property could not be reduced <br /> from .99 to .94 acres (net). Brian Froelich replied that the properties have less than 10 percent <br /> slope and are required to have a lot unit factor of 1.0 and at least one acre according to the LUF <br /> formula. The properties are now non-conforming and would remain non-conforming with the lot <br /> line adjustment. However, the Stubbs property would become further non-conforming. The <br /> Planning Commission can make a recommendation to the City Council on this type of proposal. <br /> Commissioner Carey requested information on any other applications for building or changes in <br /> structures on the properties. Brian Froelich replied that a fence application had been submitted <br /> but no floor area or development area proposals. <br /> Commissioner Harpootlian sought clarification on the timeframe for the applicant to comply <br /> with engineering conditions of the lot line adjustment before expiration. He commented on the <br /> positive factors of the application but did not feel that the structures encroaching on the Stubbs <br /> property was a reason to grant the lot line adjustment. He felt the lots are extremely constrained <br /> due in part to the creek location. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Craig Kirk, Applicant, stated that the house is very close to the street with little area for a <br /> backyard. <br /> Chairman Collins asked what prompted the request for a lot line adjustment. <br /> Mr. Kirk explained that the house does have side yard area but he wanted some backyard area <br /> and Mr. Stubbs agreed to adjust his lot to increase Kirk's property size. <br /> Mr. Stubbs, Applicant, stated he had seen the plan and his signature was on the application. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Commissioner Cottrell supported the application and stated the three non-conforming lots would <br /> be combined to result in two non-conforming lots. He felt that the two neighbors were <br /> accommodating each other and he saw no reason to object. <br /> Commissioner Harpootlian expressed that he wished to strike the first section of Attachment 2 <br /> but otherwise had no problem with the application. <br /> Commissioner Carey would approve the project based on the Town's zoning ordinances. <br /> Commissioner Clow supported the application and stressed the importance of combining non- <br /> standard lots to create larger lots. <br />