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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> August 3, 2006 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Chairman Collins supported the application and commented the land transfer was an agreement <br /> between the applicants. <br /> MOTION SECONDED, AMENDED AND PASSED: Motion by Commissioner Clow and <br /> seconded by Commissioner Cottrell to recommend approval of the lot line adjustment and <br /> conditional exception to the City Council subject to the applicant's submittal of a legal <br /> description and plot map for review and approval by the City Engineer and recordation of a <br /> certificate of compliance and strike the first sentence of Finding A in Attachment 2 that states <br /> "Both approved residential buildings (house and garage) on the Kirk property currently are <br /> located with portions over the property boundary of the Stubbs property". <br /> AYES: Chairman Collins, Commissioners Carey, Clow, Cottrell &Harpootlian <br /> NOES: None <br /> 4. OLD BUSINESS <br /> 4.1 ESTATE HOMES ORDINANCE-Proposed ordinance recommended by the Ad <br /> Hoc Planning Committee defines "estate homes" and addresses the calculation of floor <br /> area, setbacks, and the approval process for estate homes. (staff-Brian Froelich) <br /> Brian Froelich, Assistant Planner stated in the staff report that the Ad Hoc Planning Committee <br /> had worked on the Estate Homes Ordinance for several months. At the May 4`h Planning <br /> Commission meeting the item had been reviewed and discussed. The Commission then <br /> requested Staff to meet with the Ad Hoc Committee and return at a future meeting. Mr. Froelich <br /> gave a brief summary of the Ordinance and explained the Estate Home definition as any primary <br /> dwelling totaling 10,000 square feet or more. Homes with any square footage over the 10,000 <br /> square foot measurement would have that amount counted twice in the MFA. Estate Homes <br /> would not be eligible for the Fast Track process and would come before the Planning <br /> Commission. Specific findings would be required for approval and additional setbacks <br /> necessary depending on the size of the house. Staff is requesting clarification on the topics of <br /> whether Estate Homes should be10,000 square feet or 12,000 square feet in size and if Estate <br /> Homes should have greater setbacks. Direction is requested so the Estate Homes Ordinance can <br /> be completed by staff,returned to Planning Commission and then forwarded to City Council. <br /> Commissioner Clow explained the differences in the two charts relating to Estate Home <br /> setbacks. The first chart applies incremental setbacks according to the height and the size of the <br /> home and the second chart creates a standard setback for Estate Homes. <br /> Debbie Pedro PlanningDirector, stated that the Planning Commission has the authority to <br /> g Y <br /> require additional setbacks and Estate Homes would automatically be reviewed by the <br /> Commission and not qualify for the Fast Track process. This creates an opportunity for <br /> requirement of additional setbacks for an Estate Home. <br /> Chairman Collins requested Commission input on the question of the 10,000 square foot or <br /> 12,000 square foot designation for Estate Home size. Ms. Collins established that the Planning <br /> Commissioners agreed that the 10,000 square feet definition was appropriate. <br />