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RESOLUTION 68-23 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF <br />FOURTH AMENDMENT TO FRANCHISE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF <br />LOS ALTOS HILLS AND GREENWASTE RECOVERY, INC. <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills ("Town") and GreenWaste Recovery, Inc., a California <br />corporation ("Franchisee") previously entered into an agreement titled "Franchise Agreement <br />Between the Town of Los Altos Hills and GreenWaste Recovery, Inc. for Collection and <br />Processing of Compostable Materials, Recyclable Materials and Yard Trimmings", dated June 28, <br />2019 and amended on July 16, 2020, November 18, 2021 and January 1, 2023 ("Franchise <br />Agreement"); and <br />WHEREAS, the Franchise Agreement includes a fifteen year term beginning July 1, 2019 and <br />ending on June 30, 2034; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town entered into an Agreement for Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste with <br />International Disposal Corp. of California on April 11, 1989 ("Disposal Agreement") that expires <br />on November 21, 2023. <br />WHEREAS, the Disposal Agreement directs Franchisee to transport all Non -Recyclable and Non- <br />Compostable items collected, materials that cannot be processed and residues to be disposed of <br />from processing Mixed Compostable Materials, Recyclable Materials and Yard Trimmings <br />collected by Franchisee from Service Recipients, to the Newby Island Landfill. <br />WHEREAS, the Town would like to amend the Franchise Agreement to allow Franchisee to <br />dispose of Mixed Compostable Materials, Recyclable Materials and Yard Trimmings collected by <br />Franchisee from Service Recipients, to Franchisee's network of facilities. In consideration of <br />Franchisee selecting a Designated Disposal Site pursuant to Article 1. 1, Franchisee will remit <br />$25,000 to the Town yearly. <br />WHEREAS, the Parties desire to amend the Franchise Agreement as described in the Fourth <br />Amendment to Franchise Agreement between the Town of Los Altos Hills and GreenWaste <br />Recovery, Inc. ("Fourth Amendment") effective November 21, 2023. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills does hereby resolve as <br />follows: <br />1. Approve Fourth Amendment, attached hereto and incorporated herein, as Exhibit I. <br />2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the Fourth Amendment, subject to any minor <br />modifications that are approved as to form by the City Attorney that do not substantially increase <br />the City's obligations hereunder. <br />Resolution 68-23 Page I <br />