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RESOLUTION 74-23 <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br />APPROVING FINAL PARCEL MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT <br />AGREEMENT ACCEPTING ROADWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT <br />DEDICATION FOR LANDS OF AUQUI AND PUTNAM AT 27600 ALTAMONT ROAD <br />WITH CERTAIN CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR RECORDATION <br />WHEREAS, the City Council approved a Tentative Parcel Map ("Tentative Map") for a two -lot <br />subdivision of the 2.2 -acre property at 27600 Altamont Road (APN 182-028-026) ("Property") for <br />subdivision applicants Carlos G. Auqui and Robert L. Putnam (collectively "Subdivider") on <br />November 17, 2022 via Resolution No. 113-22; and <br />WHEREAS, the Tentative Map includes Conditions of Approval to be completed by the <br />Subdivider prior to final parcel map recordation, and the Subdivider has now requested the Town <br />to approve a Final Parcel Map ("Final Map") along with certain right-of-way easement dedications <br />and subdivision improvement agreement; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Engineer has examined the proposed Final Map with a roadway right-of- <br />way easement entitled "A TWO LOT SUBDIVISION CONSISTING OF THREE (3) SHEETS <br />BEING A SUBDIVISION OF LOT 2 AS SAID LOT IS SHOWN UPON THAT CERTAIN MAP <br />ENTITLED "TRACT NO. 4713" FILED AUGUST 8, 1962 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY <br />RECORDER OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY IN BOOK 257 OF MAPS AT PAGE 40" and has <br />determined that the said final Parcel Map is in general conformity with the requirements of Chapter <br />1 entitled "Subdivisions" of Title 9 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code, and the provisions of <br />the Subdivision Map Act, subject to the Subdivider fulfilling its obligation under Condition of <br />Approval No. 15 ("Condition No. 15") for the Tentative Map pursuant to Resolution No. 113-22; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, specifically, Condition No. 15 requires "All existing structures located within the <br />building setback lines shall be removed prior to recordation of the Final Map", and the <br />Subdivider's existing residence is currently located within the new building setback lines of the <br />Tentative Map and straddles the resulting lots, which residence must be demolished or removed <br />from said setback and lot line areas; and <br />WHEREAS, the subdivision applicant has substantially completed all conditions imposed for the <br />Tentative Map except for Condition No. 15, and has agreed to enter into a deferred demolition <br />agreement with the Town to fulfill Condition No. 15 and to memorialize that the Final Map may <br />not be recorded and the new lots may not be sold or conveyed until the existing residence has been <br />demolished or removed from the setback and lot line areas; and <br />WHEREAS, staff recommends that the City Council approve the Final Map, accept the roadway <br />easement dedication with the parcel map, and approve the Subdivision Improvement Agreement, <br />subject to a condition of approval consisting of the following: (1) the applicant and Town execute <br />a Deferred Demotion Agreement within 30 days from approval of the Final Map to set a time <br />certain for the demolition of existing structures within proposed setback area and lot lines as <br />approved in the Tentative Map; (2) that said agreement be recorded against the Property and shall <br />Resolution 74-23 Page I <br />